Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B1

Hello, cherished Team B1 members, welcome to our heartwarming session today! As we gently weave our introductions, let’s enrich our conversation by reflecting on this captivating question: “If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?” This thought invites us to share and discover the passions, ideals, and inspirations that move us, drawing us closer in our journey of learning together.

At result I can know what was the problem of all that countries that will not be so improvement and we can tell them and shows thier problems that they should change thier way and also if we know about the future we will get different ideas to improvement quickly.

“Solving world problems is a noble goal, isn’t it? What are some steps you think individuals or communities could start taking towards solutions?”

my friends inspired me .

“What aspects of the fictional world inspire you the most, and how do they resonate with your experiences or aspirations?”

Time travel is a captivating topic. What specific period in the past or future are you most curious about, and why?

Hello, cherished Team B1 members, welcome to our heartwarming session today! As we gently unfold this gathering with our shared stories and dreams, I’d like to invite you to ponder a meaningful question together: “What’s something you each look forward to in the coming week?” I believe this will create a beautiful tapestry of anticipation that highlights our shared human experience.

This change will have huge impact on the education in Afghanistan as the level of education around the country will increase and also the girls and women would get educated in every fields.

That’s a hopeful perspective; what aspect of this change do you find most inspiring?

Hello, cherished Team B1 members, welcome to our heartwarming session today! As we gently unfold this gathering with our shared stories and dreams, I’d like to invite you to ponder a meaningful question together: “What’s something you each look forward to in the coming week?” I believe this will create a beautiful tapestry of anticipation that highlights our shared human experience.

Hello and a heartfelt welcome to everyone gathering in our session today! It fills me with joy to have you all here. As we enrich our acquaintance and weave a tapestry of our diverse backgrounds, I warmly encourage you to share not just your name, where you’re from, and your fascinating hobbies or interests, but also, if it brings comfort to you, a recent moment that kindled joy in your life. Let’s start our journey together on a note of positivity and shared smiles.

I think all those things that society or specially young generation should do is the solving of coutries problems they should pay thier attention to the problems that were the reasons of thier weakness

“How have you found ways to apply this insight into addressing societal challenges, and what impacts have you observed?”

“Setting goals is an important step; how might our discussion today support you in achieving those goals?”

“What are some books or experiences with friends that have inspired you or sparked joy, NazdanaA210?”

“Your interest seems fascinating! Could you share how you discovered it and what brings you joy in it?”

“Studying psychiatry sounds fascinating, Noorullah; what inspired you to choose that field?”

having and watching the successes of the girls beside the boys in every education field would be very inspiring for all of us.

“It’s truly uplifting to hear about the successes of both girls and boys in education; how do you feel this has influenced your own path or choices?”

Hello and a heartfelt welcome to everyone gathering in our session today! It fills me with joy to have you all here. As we embark on getting to know one another, I’d love for us to share not just our names, where we’re from, and our unique hobbies or interests, but also, if you feel comfortable, the title of the last book you read or movie you watched and what you thought about it. This small sharing will help us appreciate the wealth of perspectives we bring into our circle.