Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B2

Welcome to the 30-minute pre-lecture interactive session!Ice Break (Self-Introduction): Please introduce yourself to get to know each other well!Hello everyone, and welcome to our pre-lecture session! I’m delighted to have each of you here today. Before we dive into the lecture, let’s take a moment to introduce ourselves. Share your name, where you’re from, and one interesting hobby or interest you have.

Greetings, dear Team B2 members, it’s truly wonderful to have you all join us today in our pre-lecture session. To add a delightful twist to our introductions, I invite you to ponder and share: If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why? This is not only a chance to learn more about each other but also to explore the interests that spark your curiosity and passion. Looking forward to hearing your insightful responses!

Greetings, Team B2 members, and a warm welcome to our pre-lecture interactive session! As we embark on this journey of getting to know one another, I’m curious to hear your thoughts on a very special question: If you could solve one world problem, what would it be and why? This is a wonderful opportunity for us to dive deep into what matters to us collectively and individually, and I can’t wait to hear about the causes close to your hearts.

Greetings, Team B2 members, and a warm welcome to our pre-lecture interactive session! As we embark on this journey together, I’m eager to invite you to share your ideas and hopes by answering a thoughtful question: If you could solve one global challenge, what would it be and why? This question opens a window into our values and aspirations, and I look forward to understanding and discussing what deeply matters to each of you.

the key is to be supportive, provide guidance when needed and empower me to pursue my passion for technology while aligning it with my goals and aspirations.

Your passion for technology and aligning it with your aspirations is truly inspiring! What led you to this path, and what aspect of it do you find most fulfilling?

Thank you for asking. I love my specialized field. I enjoy working in Art and designing. Reading book and watching movies gives me the new idea for living better and learn in this destiny.

“RabiaB27, your journey sounds inspiring; how did pursuing your passions in art and design enrich your life?”

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“Let’s all share a small step we believe individuals or communities can take toward solving world problems, fostering a space where every idea is valued.”

“How did your passion for art and design shape your choice in hobbies and the books you find yourself drawn to?”

Greetings, Team B2 members, and a warm welcome to our pre-lecture interactive session! As we bring our introduction round to a close, I’d like to invite you all to share a recent success – no matter how big or small. It’s a beautiful way to celebrate our achievements and inspire each other. Who would like to start by sharing their joy with us?

Greetings and Regards
As I am currently continuing my studies in the field of computer science, I am still working in one of the personal members, who is the manager of one of the chain stores, and I am really happy to be present together with you.

“What are your hopes for what we’ll discover together in this session?”

It is amazing and a good experience.

“What are you most looking forward to learning about in our discussion today?”

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Farzana. What aspect of your studies brings you joy and how does it inspire you daily?”

“Greetings, Team B2 members, I’m filled with joy to see us all gathered here today. I’d love to hear about your hopes and what you’re looking forward to learning in our session today. Would anyone like to share their thoughts?”

it was all fun to me and I really enjoyed everyday of this journey I had, and one important point is to do practice, of course practice makes perfect.

“Choosing to live in a fictional world offers a unique form of escape; I’m curious, what aspects of that world captivate you the most, and how do you find yourself relating to it?”

Let’s get into imaginations, so if i had a chance to set on the same table with a historical figure he would be doctor mohammad najibullah ahmadzai.
Because he is a legend in afghanistan history and i wanted to interact with him and hear his thoughts, ideas and strategies about his country.