Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B2

It’s wonderful to hear about your enthusiasm and success; what was a key learning for you during this journey?

Totally, my intense desire in serving people influenced me to develop this passion.

“Choosing to live in a fictional world is quite the escape; what aspects of that world capture your heart, and how does it resonate with your passion for serving people?”

Greetings, dear Team B2 members, and a warm welcome to our engaging pre-lecture interactive session! In the spirit of creating a welcoming atmosphere as we begin to know each other, I invite everyone to share an unexpected joy or something that made you smile recently. It’s a lovely opportunity for us to connect on a personal level right from the start. Who feels inspired to share first?

So the person that I loved to be with is Doctor Sima simer as you she was a power full person in her life and she is a modal for all the women around the world specially in Afghanistan so if one day I can have opportunity to meet anyone I would like to meet her.

Dr. Sima Simer’s story sounds inspiring; what qualities about her do you admire the most?

Greetings, dear Team B2 members, and a heartfelt welcome to our engaging pre-lecture interactive session! In the spirit of creating a welcoming atmosphere as we begin to know each other, I invite everyone to share an unexpected joy or something that made you smile recently. It’s a lovely opportunity for us to connect on a personal level right from the start. Who feels inspired to share first?

How often do you ask questions? Wait, let’s answer one question, then ask another question. :wink:

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“Do you have a vivid early memory that has stayed with you, and how does it make you feel?”

Thank you, I think it is good to study online, each student is in a calm environment and learns the teacher’s lesson with full attention.

“How can we together create a supportive online learning environment to achieve this goal?”

One key learning during my coding journey has been the importance of continuous learning and adaptation. Technology evolves rapidly, and staying abreast of new developments, languages, and tools is crucial to remain competitive and effective in the field of coding. Embracing a growth mindset and being open to learning from both successes and failures has been instrumental in my progress. Additionally, effectively managing time and priorities, breaking down complex problems into manageable tasks, and seeking feedback from peers have all been valuable lessons that have enhanced my coding skills and overall approach to projects. Adapting to change, being resilient in the face of challenges, and maintaining a passion for learning have been essential components of my growth as a coder.

“How have you applied the idea of continuous learning and adaptation in your life, and what positive changes has it brought?”

Greetings, dear Team B2 members, and a heartfelt welcome to our engaging pre-lecture interactive session! I’m excited for us to embark on this journey together. To begin, could each of you kindly describe your job or field of study as if you were explaining it to a five-year-old? This simple challenge aims to foster a sense of curiosity and fun as we share and learn about each other. I’m looking forward to hearing your creative descriptions!

Correct. I really find it difficult to answer one question while the AI is asking another one.:laughing::grin:

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“What an experience! Would you like to share how that impacted you and what you learned from it?”

With team work and being responsible.

“Celebrating successes, big or small, is important; could you share how it felt achieving that success, and what lessons you took away from it?”

I think it is really need and interesting to learn from any other fields, it will help us to learn and be updated. My knowledge in other fields helped me to see the world in different view’s and know the peopl and my community well.

How might integrating insights from various fields shape our learning experiences in this lecture?