Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B3

That sounds wonderful! Have you visited any exciting places already, or do you have a dream destination in mind?

Every time I read a book, article or any information, it gives me a feeling of hope.
If possible, for me and other young people to study at the master’s level, i really want to do master with great interest and excitement.

“What inspired you to pursue your interest in further studies, and may I ask what book is currently captivating your attention?”

Yes I’ve dream in my mind to travel in exciting places over the world but not a special place just i want to see all the famous places and vist them.

Your dream of traveling sounds so adventurous! What places top your list of must-visit destinations?

In life every one take be defeated we must be not despair. Make more opportunity and effort alot and use from little thing that we have acess

Your outlook on overcoming challenges is truly inspiring! How did you develop such a positive perspective, and what keeps you motivated?

A five-year-old might understand the value of humility and collaboration through simple, relatable examples and experiences. For example, they might learn about humility by realizing that it’s okay to ask for help when they don’t understand something or when they make a mistake. They could also learn about collaboration by participating in group activities where everyone works together towards a common goal, such as building a block tower or completing a puzzle.

Additionally, storytelling can be a powerful tool for teaching these concepts to young children. They might enjoy hearing stories about characters who learn the importance of being humble and working together with others to solve problems or achieve their goals. By presenting these concepts in a way that is accessible and engaging for young children, they can begin to develop an understanding of the value of humility and collaboration from an early age.

“What early memory do you have about learning or playing together with others, and how do you think it shaped your understanding of humility and collaboration?”

The place that i want to visit its about Germany.

“What are you hoping to learn or experience about Germany?”

to access to my goals and get near to my wishes

“What specific period in history or the future sparks your curiosity, and how does it connect to reaching your goals and wishes?”

So when you have interest in your decision and confident on your plans you will be able to through ahead. And reach them.

“What’s a book related to AI or computer science that you’ve found inspiring, and why? I’m curious to hear your thoughts and see if we have any favorites in common.”

One early memory I have about learning and playing together with others is from kindergarten. I vividly remember participating in a group activity where we were tasked with building a miniature city out of cardboard boxes, paper, and other materials. Each of us had different roles, from designing buildings to creating roads and parks.

What stands out to me about this experience is how everyone brought their own ideas and skills to the table, and how we had to collaborate and compromise to make our vision come to life. There were moments of excitement and frustration, but ultimately, we learned that by working together and valuing each other’s contributions, we could accomplish more than we ever could on our own.

This early experience taught me the value of humility in recognizing that I didn’t have all the answers and that I could learn from others who had different perspectives and talents. It also showed me the importance of collaboration in achieving common goals and the satisfaction that comes from being part of a team effort.

Overall, this early memory of learning and playing together with others shaped my understanding of humility and collaboration by demonstrating their practical importance in achieving shared objectives and fostering a sense of unity and camaraderie within a group.

“How can we, drawing from our own experiences, work together to foster a spirit of collaboration and mutual learning in today’s session?”

It’s everyone’s dream, I also like to travel around the world and meet different people and different cultures.

“It’s wonderful to hear about your love for travel and culture; what’s one memorable experience that made you smile and has stayed with you?”

I want to see the historical place of Germany and visual places