Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B3

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Choosing to live in a fictional world can be a fascinating escape; what aspects of that world captivate you the most and why?

The concept of time travel is indeed fascinating! While both past and future eras offer intriguing possibilities, I find myself particularly intrigued by the future. The idea of exploring unknown advancements in technology, society, and culture holds a sense of wonder and excitement for me.

Imagining the possibilities of how humanity might evolve, the challenges we may face, and the innovations we may create ignites my curiosity and sparks my imagination. Additionally, considering the potential impact of our present actions on shaping the future adds a layer of significance to the exploration of future eras.

While the past offers valuable lessons and insights, the allure of the unknown and the endless possibilities of the future captivate my imagination and inspire me to think creatively about the world yet to come.

“Dinner with a visionary from the future is an uplifting thought; what hopes or insights would you like to gain from such an encounter?”

I dont have any idea about this

How fascinating! How has this unique aspect of yourself influenced your life or choices?

I always choose a book or a topic to study in my idle time.

“It’s wonderful how you make time for learning; what draws you to the books or topics you choose?”

Dinner with a visionary from the future would be an incredibly uplifting and enlightening experience! Here are some hopes and insights I would like to gain from such an encounter:

  1. Insights into Humanity’s Progress: I would love to learn about the advancements and achievements humanity has made in various fields, such as technology, medicine, and sustainability. Understanding how these advancements have improved quality of life and fostered global cooperation would provide hope and inspiration for the future.

  2. Solutions to Global Challenges: I am eager to hear about innovative solutions to pressing global challenges, such as climate change, inequality, and conflict resolution. Learning about successful strategies for addressing these issues could offer valuable insights for shaping a better world for future generations.

  3. Perspectives on Personal Fulfillment: Exploring ideas about happiness, fulfillment, and purpose in the future society would be thought-provoking. Understanding how individuals prioritize well-being and balance in their lives amidst rapid technological advancements could provide valuable insights for navigating our own paths to fulfillment.

  4. Reflections on Lessons Learned: Hearing reflections on the mistakes, setbacks, and lessons learned throughout humanity’s journey would offer valuable wisdom for navigating future challenges with resilience and humility.

Overall, I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the possibilities and potential for humanity’s future, as well as insights into how we can work together to create a more compassionate, equitable, and sustainable world for all.

“What inspired your current hobby, and how does the book you’re reading reflect on your hopes for the future?”

I choose to walking alone in my adle time.

“That’s a wonderfully unique way to spend your idle time, AminaB39! What do you enjoy most about your solitary walks?”

So it impact more on my own life, like when i need to know about something or want to discovering about something just i type my title and it prepared me for a minute.

Could you kindly share with us some of your interests or experiences that have sparked your curiosity?

I graduated from the Faculty of Journalism and since I was a child, I liked this field to study and do research, and the subjects make me curious.

It’s wonderful to hear about your passion for journalism and research, MaryamB36. What sparked your curiosity in this field as a child, and how has it influenced your daily life?

About solitary walks it makes cam in difficult situation and give me the time of thinking.

“That’s fascinating, AminaB39. How does that memory of solitary walks make you feel, and why do you think it has stayed with you so vividly?”

My current hobby of creative writing was inspired by a lifelong love for storytelling and a desire to explore and express my imagination in new ways. Growing up, I was captivated by the power of stories to transport readers to different worlds, evoke emotions, and provoke thought. As I began to dabble in writing myself, I discovered the joy of crafting characters, developing plots, and exploring themes that resonated with me.

The book I’m currently reading, “The Future Is Now: A Visionary’s Guide to Shaping Tomorrow’s World” by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler, reflects on my hopes for the future in several ways. Firstly, it offers insights into emerging technologies and trends that have the potential to shape our world in profound ways, from artificial intelligence and biotechnology to space exploration and renewable energy. By exploring these advancements, the book inspires me to envision a future where humanity harnesses the power of innovation to address pressing global challenges and improve quality of life for all.

Secondly, “The Future Is Now” explores the concept of abundance, proposing that technological advancements have the potential to create a world of abundance where basic needs are met for everyone. This resonates with my hope for a future characterized by greater equality, sustainability, and prosperity, where access to resources and opportunities is more equitable and inclusive.

Overall, the book serves as a source of inspiration and optimism, encouraging me to think creatively about the future and consider how I can contribute to shaping a better world for generations to come through my writing and other endeavors.

“It’s wonderful to hear how passionate you are about making a positive impact; how do you imagine we can all contribute to creating such a hopeful future?”