Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

“What book has captured your interest in AI or computer science, and why do we share this curiosity?”

I think Alchemist is a motivational book rather than a novel! And it inspires me really well.

“That’s a wonderful perspective on ‘The Alchemist’—how does it inspire your hobbies or choice of books?”

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if we discuss deeply regarding this issue, it will be connected to political issues and we do not want to jump to politics

“Music truly has a way of touching our hearts; could you share which song uplifts you and any special memories it brings?”

A positive

“What drew you to your hobby and the book you’re currently enjoying?”

Always was interested in books

Books hold such fascinating insights, don’t they? What kind of books spark your curiosity the most, SuhailseyarB42?

Fantasy books

“What’s your favorite fantasy book, and why? I’m curious to hear about your interests!”

First, I read books in English, new words and the English language are interesting for me, and second, I can read the original and accurate translation, and the new topics I remember are also interesting.

“Time travel is a captivating topic, isn’t it? What specific period in the past or future would you love to explore, and why?”