Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

“How do you feel the anticipation of music affects your mood or creativity?”

“I hear you; it can be tough to stay hopeful. Speaking of perspectives, do you have a favorite book or movie that offers a bit of escape or comfort?”

Feeling hopeful can be challenging, can’t it? How do you imagine using hope or positive actions to make things better around you?

It will help me alot to utilize my previous learning and achievement in my proseperouse working area

“Interesting fact! How has your previous learning and achievements influenced your life or choices in your prosperous working area?”

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By using online educational programs and supporting Afghan women and raising the voice of women in the world so that everyone is aware of the situation of us Afghan women, join hands and defend our rights.

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“What an insightful perspective, RahimaB48! How has engaging in these actions impacted you personally?”

for me the type of music is important and i am really excited with hip-hop musics

Hip-hop has a rich history and influence; who in the hip-hop world would you be most excited to have a dinner conversation with and what would you ask them?

What genre of hip-hop?

“What specific aspects of hip-hop interest you, SuhailseyarB42? We’d love to hear more.”

Happy music can help in gaining energy and practical work in the online class.

“That’s such an engaging thought! Can you share more about how happy music influences your energy and work in online classes?”

this is the main issue currently in afghanistan and the girls specially face this issue of education

Untill now I don’t have any book regard this.
Could you suggest some?

Your concern about education in Afghanistan, especially for girls, is very important. Could you share more about your thoughts and feelings on this issue?

“Time travel fascinates so many of us; what particular era are you drawn to exploring, and what sparks your interest in it?”

some times dark trap and actually all type is good

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“Music has such a vast spectrum, doesn’t it? What draws you to dark trap specifically, or how does it resonate with you?”

Yeah I think my soul is searching a big fact and by studying that book i feel I can find it.