Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

Very well, in which university do you study computer science, i.e. are they currently studying or not?

Hello everyone, this is tajbegum from Afghanistan.
I have graduated from high school and my hobby is studying books and exercising.

Thanks, and as i mentioned in my introduction, one of my hobbies is playing ping pong.

Playing ping pong sounds enjoyable! What do you love most about it?

Life as a child is very beautiful, childhood mischief and being carefree about all the things of those days are all memories.

Your memories of childhood sound so delightful! What’s one of your favorite mischief or carefree moments that you remember?

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The simple thing that brought laughter to us last time was the celebration of Father’s Day, because father is God’s best blessing for us.

“How wonderful! Celebrating those we cherish can inspire us; might that spark any inventive ideas for making daily moments even more special?”

All of my childhood memories are interesting and funny, especially when we played outside with my friends and sometimes we fought, but we reconciled very soon.

“It’s the little things that matter, isn’t it? What about that moment brings a smile to your face, and how does it echo in your daily life?”

Welcome to the 30-minute pre-lecture interactive session!Ice Break (Self-Introduction): Please introduce yourself to get to know each other well!Hello everyone, and welcome to our pre-lecture session! I’m delighted to have each of you here today. Before we dive into the lecture, let’s take a moment to introduce ourselves. Share your name, where you’re from, and one interesting hobby or interest you have.

I am so glad to meet you guys, let discuss more

Where are other members

Interesting fact! How has that unique aspect of yourself influenced your life or choices? Let’s share and get to know each other better.

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s wonderful to have you join us today. As we gather for our pre-lecture session, I invite you all to share a bit about yourselves - your name, where you’re from, your journey in education, and any hobbies or interests that light up your world. To add a touch of anticipation and joy to our conversation, I’d love for each of you to also share something you’re looking forward to in the coming week. It’s a lovely way to inspire and support each other as we embark on this learning journey together. Who feels inspired to share first?

Running away from school and going to bars, making excuses of being sick and not going to courses and school.

“Dinner with a historical figure can offer many insights; what would you be curious to explore with them after a day of avoiding the usual routines?”

“It’s the little things that make us smile; could you share a moment that warmed your heart, reflecting on how it influences your daily life?”

Greetings, Team B4 members! It is truly a pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to our pre-lecture interactive session today. As we come together in this spirit of learning and camaraderie, I encourage you to introduce yourselves by sharing your name, where you hail from, a bit of your educational journey, and an interest or hobby that brings you joy. Furthermore, to deepen our connection and understanding of one another, please reflect on and share: If you could solve one world problem, what would it be and why? This thoughtful question not only allows us to learn about your passions and perspectives but also fosters a sense of community and shared purpose amongst us. Who would like to open this enriching dialogue?

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In the coming week I would like to do some exercises and read some books.

“That sounds like a fulfilling plan! How do you think these activities will enhance your week?”