Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

Some of my childhood memories are related to school days when we used to share our food with my classmates.

“How lovely, sharing food must have brought so many joyful moments; what’s a favorite memory you have from those times?”


yeah absolutely.:heart_eyes:

“What led you to your current hobby and favorite book? I’d love to hear more about your journey. :blush:

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Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to our pre-lecture interactive session. It’s wonderful to have you here today. As we embark on this journey together, let’s start by sharing our names, where we’re from, and something that brings us joy - be it a hobby, interest, or a dream. Additionally, to weave a thread of personal connection among us, please share if there was one food you could eat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? I believe this sharing will not only illuminate our diverse tastes but also foster a delightful camaraderie. Who would like to start this engaging conversation?

Greetings, everyone, and a warm welcome to our pre-lecture interactive session. It’s wonderful to have you here today. As we embark on this journey together, let’s start by sharing our names, where we’re from, and something that brings us joy - be it a hobby, interest, or a dream. Additionally, to weave a thread of personal connection among us, please share if there was one food you could eat for the rest of your life, what would it be and why? I believe this sharing will not only illuminate our diverse tastes but also foster a delightful camaraderie. Who would like to start this engaging conversation?

Well I just got the Harry Potter books and wasn’t really interested at first but just decided to give a go turns out it’s really good and interesting I’m starting to love it.

“That’s fantastic to hear about your experience with Harry Potter! What magical invention from the series do you wish you could bring into our world, and why?”

Greetings, Team B4 members! Thank you for joining our pre-lecture session; it’s a joy to welcome you. As we share our names, places of origin, educational backgrounds, and hobbies, I invite you to also ponder and share: if you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? This question opens a window to our dreams and creativity. I’m looking forward to our colorful thoughts and getting to know each other better. Who feels inspired to lead the way?

Probably the flying stick :ice_hockey: and that food spell.

Your interest in the flying stick and food spell seems fascinating! Could you share more about how you discovered these passions?

Atomic Habits, it is a great book.

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“That sounds fascinating! Have you tried applying any of its principles in your daily life?”

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Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a pleasure to welcome you all to our pre-lecture interactive session. In the spirit of making connections and fostering a warm atmosphere, I invite you to introduce yourselves by sharing your name, where you’re from, your educational journey, and an interesting hobby or passion. Additionally, to embrace our unique experiences, please share something simple that recently brought a smile to your face. This small joy could offer wonderful insights into the beauty of our everyday lives. Who would like to start this beautiful exchange?

I mean you could fly around and have free food.

“What an intriguing thought! How do you imagine that experience would affect you and what might you learn from it?”

When I bought a delicious food, I always bought it to two of my friends who were in the same chair.
Again, my friends also bring some food, and we were busy eating all the time, and sometimes the teacher would get angry with us for not paying attention to the lesson.

“That’s a lovely share! Could you tell us more about your favorite food during those times?”

Greetings, Team B4 members! It’s a joy to gather with you today for our pre-lecture interactive session. As we continue to learn about one another, I invite you to also share your favorite book related to AI or computer science if you have one, and what you find intriguing about it. This could be a wonderful way to discover shared interests and foster an even closer connection among us. Who would like to share their thoughts first?

My favorite food that I can eat for the rest of my life is bread and pasta.:slightly_smiling_face: