Day 2: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team A2

Hi everyone
Today’s lesson was fantastic
We learn about mooc that shows designed to accommodate alarge number of learner .
And characteristics are
1: massive
2: online
3: open

Can you tell me the correct use of them?

Yes we learn about evolution and technology technology too and we learn new lesson also.

It should be added that in post 2020 and speceially following Covid 19 pandemic online education expanded throughout the world.

I have used some of AI based programs which let us study and learn new skill easily only by getting online in our laptop or mobile anytime anywhere.

Definitely it’s right we have also studied about some applications

One of my favorite AI based programs is khan academy which has Lessons and practices in different level for different kind of people, the only thing they need to do is to get online and follow up there lessons daily.

You’re right also we studied about how we can you coursera, Chat GPT

And also this university has online platform courses.
1: kyoto university
2: MIT
3: Harvard
4: open yale

I always use AI and follow up online courses like coursera and Chat GBT

AI and Education, Benefits, and Challenges:
AI (Artificial Intelligence) in education refers to the integration of AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics to enhance teaching and learning experiences

Some mooce resources:
1: coursera
2: edx
3: future learner
4:khan academy
6: maktab khoona

I think they’re are useful for studying online

Another best AI based program is Duolingo which is a program for those who wants to learn new language unless English, it starts from basic for beginners and has practices in very good way, and every time when u make a mistake in a word or phrase for example, the AI will repeat several times in each practice to make sure u have learned it pretty well.

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as the teacher mentioned on Zoom, some of online courses are free and some of them are cost-effective

Online education is the best and highest quality method for every person who is deprived of face-to-face education, especially for us Afghan women who cannot participate in face-to-face education. And this way is very effective for us.

Kahoot is also a good and friendly platform.

Characteristics of distance learning include features such as flexibility in time and location, use of technology for communication, delivery of instructional content via the internet, and utilization of interactive tools to facilitate engagement and learning.

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Actually e learning is not only for those who are jobless or are at home, it’s useful for all of us even though we have a job, the only thing is need is to dedicate only 30-60 minutes of the day in learning.

Another’s interested point was about AI