Day 2: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team A2

Hello friends and dear respected teacher.
as our todays session was about online platforms and tools it is very delighted to join this session as this program it self was a online platform it was very effective we learned a lot.

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It has its own circumstances as well, we dunno maybe the world is trying to educate AI in different aspects to communicate with people, to interact with them and socialize with them, in order to complete his own character.

Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing well. In today’s lecture, we covered a lot about evaluating educational technology, open e-learning, and the characteristics of distance learning. We also talked a bit about AI, which I found really interesting and learned a bunch from. Overall, it was a great session and I got a lot out of it.

I interested in coursera that our honorable instructor said about that because that is free and open for all of us deeply for girls because here the situation of studying for girls os not good the can learn and they can work by using these technologies.

Yes, I do agree with you. it was very helpful and interesting. and we should know how to use it and when to use it.

Features of ODeL: flexibility and accessibility. Read quickly. Access to various resources.

Yes sure we study about chat GPT also.

We should be aware of ourselves and not dive in everything without thinking, not every e learning facility is good for us, we should do critical thinking then start doing something, because some of e learning platforms might steal our information and it might have seriously bad effects for us.

Are those courses taught for free?

online apps for studying have the potential to greatly enrich our lives by making education more accessible, flexible, and personalized.

You are right, we must be careful in every situation.

This are the outline that we discuss in our today’s lecture.
The evolution of educational technology
Open, electronic and distance learning
Features of distance education
Definition of OCWs and actual cases

By the correct use i mean that we must learn by using these technologies and platforms not copy all things and must use our brain every-time and in every topics and matters they are a good guideline and learner for us but we must do most of our tasks and work by ourselves.

I’m a bit uncertain about the safety of using AI technology in learning, and I’d like to understand what precautions we can take as students. Could you please advise us, dear instructor, on how to rely on this technology more securely?

It comes to my mind that AI (Artificial Intelligence) has its own advantagious and disadvantagious

Everything has good and bad sides, we as humans should decide what to do and how to use something not only e learning, so we should take advantage of e learning and update our knowledge and level of understanding.

Sure, I believe that it’s gonna be dangerous for us in the future.

Ok, thanks for answering my question.

good job everyone.

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Definitely you’re right. In many cases, online education can be more affordable than traditional education, as it eliminates the need for expensive textbooks, transportation costs, and other expenses associated with attending classes in person.

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