Day 2: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team A4

I don’t think that they provide a certificates to us

Thanks alot for today leacture.

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Online and face-to-face education each one has their positive and negative points, for example: in online education, a person who is in Afghanistan can’t benefit from the educational programs of prominent universities such as Howard University in America or Oxford in London, especially those who have the opportunity to go to this country.

Thanks to the professor and the teams for the useful information

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Thank you very much, dear professor, today’s lecture was very useful

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It was a great experience

In my experience, online lessons are not as effective as face-to-face lessons. What is the best way to get the most out of online lessons?

If we receive a certificate; It will be very good.

in my opinion dear sir Education technology, also known as EdTech, has evolved significantly over the years, transforming the way we teach and learn.

Another advantagious of online education is that it can prevent the wast of time, for example, it takes at least 2 hours to go to school, and online education prevent the wast of the time.

Dear sir can you give us a briefly information about distance learning ?

Do you suggest any solution for optimal use of online lessons?

Continuation of the previous post: Of course, online education in countries where internet and electricity problems and lack of access to smart phones should be answered by scholars like Afghanistan.

Yes, but it is not effective as face-to-face lessons, because sometimes the Internet does not work properly and sometimes other problems are found.

Distance learning is education conducted remotely, often online, where students and instructors are not physically present. It offers flexibility, allowing students to access course materials and participate in classes from anywhere with an internet connection.

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I think the majority of these courses are free and the limited numbers of them we should pay for them

Thanks a lot sir

You are always welcome.

This tow days lecture was a great experience, I hope such discussions will be held in the future.

Exactly! The type of use of artificial intelligence is very important; Otherwise, it might spoil the situation.