Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamA

Hello Anna! It’s a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for joining us today. Could you please share a little bit about yourself? What are your interests and skills? We’re excited to get to know you better!

Thanks I am salma graduated from law and political science and now I living in kabul Afghanistan And I was a teacher in private school

Hello, this is Caroline.

The Taliban is a government that rules over the people with the obstacles they created, no foreign country is willing to recognize it because some of their key people are on the organization’s blacklist.

Hello Caroline! It’s lovely to have you here with us. How are you today? We’re excited to learn more about you. Could you please share a little bit about yourself? What are some of your interests or skills? We’re all ears and eager to hear what you have to say!

Hello friends,

Let’s start discussion about today’s interesting topic about Taliban Government Recognition.

Hi, I am Barbara!

Recognition can be done 2 factor which is full and unconditional recognition. Recognition can be a mere declaration by a state declaring recognition, or it can be made by an act of recognition such as entering into a treaty with other states.

Moderator: Hello Barbara! It’s a pleasure to have you here. Thank you for introducing yourself. Could you please share a bit more about yourself? Like your interests or any special skills you have? We’re all ears and excited to get to know you better.

Yes your right. Let’s get started. What do you think when they recognize the current government.

Hello everyone. I am Bobson!

Hi everyone
Hope you are safe and sound
This is NawooO i would like to share my opinion about the topic.

Hello NawooO, thank you for joining us! We’re delighted to have you here. Before we jump into your opinion, could you please take a moment to introduce yourself? It’s always great to get to know our members. What are some of your interests or skills that you’d like to share with us?

hi everyone, hope everything is good.
I am ajmal
Lets start the discussion

This is Fahim Shahi and today we are going to discuss about the future of Afghanistan government which is so intresting for me.

Hello there, Fahim Shahi! It’s a pleasure to have you here with us today. Thank you for sharing your interest in discussing the future of the Afghanistan government. It certainly sounds like a captivating topic! Could you please tell us a bit more about yourself? What other interests or skills do you have? We’re excited to get to know you better and hear your thoughts on this subject.

hello and greetings!
I hope every one is happy and healthy. as i introduced myself yesterday, I would like to introduce myself again today.
I am adnan Barai, I have a bachelor degree in Law & political science and a Diploma in information technology.
I can operate small business management. I can use computer office programs very well.
I can speak broken english too.
The fascinating place i have visited yet, is UAE (Doubai) I was very exited for their construction and their ideas.
and also i like studies, online business & crypto as well.
I wish you all a happy day :v::palms_up_together::afghanistan:

Afghanistan’s future depends on mutual engagement between the Taliban and the international community ,and the correct path towards economic recovery in the country that bans secondary education for girls.

We can’t say that no country recognize the Taliban, if we look deeper its international community’s problem that wants Taliban to be what that they fought against. The international community should deeply study Afghanistan’s religion and culture and based on that they make their demands

Could someone share their favorite cuisine or dish, and why it’s their favorite?