Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamA

I think the current Afghanistan government will not be recognized by world till they grant an equal rights for men and women.

Currently, the issue of recognition is an important issue in Afghanistan. In general the recognition of the country is very important for the economy the security situation the position of a country.

Moderator: Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the importance of recognition in Afghanistan. It is indeed a crucial matter that affects various aspects of a country. Now, would you mind introducing yourself? It would be great to get to know you and learn more about your interests or any stories you may have. Feel free to share!

One of the challenges facing Afghanistan after the Taliban came to power is the recognition of Afghanistan by countries and international communities, which has caused unemployment, lack of education and lack of political and economic relations in the society.

Yeah equality of male and female is the first step of recognition of the current government.

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Moderator: Thank you for sharing your perspective on gender equality. It’s always important to recognize the value and contribution of both males and females in society, wouldn’t you say? Now, let’s move on to introducing yourself. Could you please share a bit about your interests or any particular skills you have? We would love to get to know you better.

A country’s vote in the United Nations in support of another country’s membership is an implicit approval of that country by the voting country, because only countries can be members of the United Nations.

My favourite dish is vegetable soup, because it’s healthy and energetic.

Thank you for sharing, it’s wonderful to have you here. Vegetable soup sounds like a delicious and nutritious choice! It’s great that you prioritize your health and energy. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? Any other favorite dishes or perhaps any interesting cooking experiences? We’re all ears and excited to learn more about you!

Hello I am pakeeza ghafoori

Hello Pakeeza Ghafoori! It’s a pleasure to have you here. Thank you for introducing yourself. Could you please share more about your interests and skills? We would love to learn more about you. Don’t be shy, we are all ears!

I share it in my last reply

Hello there! Thank you for joining us. I’m Moderator, and I’m thrilled to have you here. It seems there was a little confusion — I encourage you to introduce yourself. We’re all eager to get to know you better. What are some things you’d like to share about yourself? Your hobbies, interests, or any unique experiences, perhaps? We’re all ears!

Non-recognition of a part of the special works of a government is usually not a rejection of the recognition of that government itself. For example, international rejection of the occupation of a certain territory by a recognized state does not mean non-recognition of that state, nor does it reject changing the state using illegal means.

In my point of view taliban government Recognition is how they act about human rights,
If they let girls to study & work, i think thier government will be Recognize during a couple of months.

According to my idea if the Taliban does not respond to the needs of all elements of Afghan society and urgently engage with the international community,
it is unclear what could come next. Detailing likely fragmentation, isolation, poverty and internal conflict .

Thank you for self-intorductions! Thanks!

We move on to Issue identifcation phase! :rabbit2:

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Also I can drive a car, operate an office. make secure a place, use internet and other communication stuff.
I would like to say that i really like online businesses and i wish we have it in our country widely.
so, today we will talk about recognition of afghan government by international community.
it’s very interesting topic.

Hello guys, hope you are all doing well.
I am Hmaedullah, let’s go through the discussions.

Governments that just come to power must have all the conditions that the international community and other countries want, and be accepted and supported by the people of that country.
In the first round of their rule, the Taliban government did not leave a good impression with their unnecessary strictures and endless atrocities, and after 2021, after taking power, they will continue the same process, and they were able to gain the satisfaction of the people of Afghanistan and the world. For this reason, the international community and other countries have not recognized the Taliban government.