Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

If the Taliban can separately and through negotiations, convince the governments of different countries of the world to recognize its rule over Afghanistan, it will have covered the main part of the way to become a member of the international community. But at the same time, the same tool is also in the hands of the Taliban’s opponents, and according to these arguments, they can block the way to the recognition of the Taliban through negotiations and alliances with other countries.

Great، I agree with you، this is the main point

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That is an important question to consider. In order for the Taliban to gain recognition from the international community, they must fulfill their obligations and commitments, including establishing an inclusive government, opening schools for girls, and respecting the rights and freedoms of all Afghans. These steps would demonstrate their willingness to cooperate with the international community and work towards a stable and inclusive Afghanistan. It will be interesting to hear other participants’ thoughts on this matter.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on whether the Taliban-led government will be recognized by the international community. There are varying opinions on this matter. Some believe that the Taliban must fulfill their obligations, such as opening schools and ensuring women’s rights, to gain recognition. Others think that past actions and current restrictions may hinder their chances. It is also mentioned that an inclusive government could contribute to their legitimacy. Trust between the Taliban and the international community is a crucial factor. This is clearly a complex matter with many facets.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on whether the Taliban-led government will be recognized by the international community. There are varying opinions on this matter. Some believe that the Taliban must fulfill their obligations, such as opening schools and ensuring women’s rights, to gain recognition. Others think that past actions and current restrictions may hinder their chances. It is also mentioned that an inclusive government could contribute to their legitimacy. Trust between the Taliban and the international community is a crucial factor. This is clearly a complex matter with many facets.

In this case people wants also should be considered. Otherwise; illegal immigrations will increase.

Yes, considering the wishes and concerns of the people of Afghanistan is crucial for the recognition of the Taliban-led government and addressing the issue of illegal immigration.

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I hypothesis , Afghanistans authoritize will be hopeless , the main reason is ,administrators distinguish among male and female .

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is important to consider the views and concerns of the people when discussing the recognition of the Taliban-led government. The issue of gender discrimination is certainly a significant factor that needs to be addressed. Is there anything else you would like to add to the discussion on the actions the Taliban should take to facilitate their legitimization?

If the Taliban does not manage the economic situation and does not provide education, no country in Afghanistan will help, and the government of Taliban will fall down soon. So the Taliban should create an inclusive government to be recognized around the world.

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In my opinion, negotiation cannot be the solution, they should actually do things for their recognition

Thank you for sharing your opinion. It seems that there is a consensus among participants that the Taliban must take certain actions to gain recognition from the international community. Some suggested actions include opening schools, ensuring equal opportunities for women, establishing an inclusive government, and fulfilling their commitments. It is important to note that the recognition process is a complex and nuanced one, and the international community will consider a range of factors in making their decision. It is also crucial to address the concerns and expectations of the Afghan people in order to gain legitimacy. What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you for sharing your opinion. It seems that there is a consensus among participants that the Taliban must take certain actions to gain recognition from the international community. Some suggested actions include opening schools, ensuring equal opportunities for women, establishing an inclusive government, and fulfilling their commitments. It is important to note that the recognition process is a complex and nuanced one, and the international community will consider a range of factors in making their decision. It is also crucial to address the concerns and expectations of the Afghan people in order to gain legitimacy. What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and perspectives on whether the Taliban-led government will eventually gain legitimacy from the international community, and what actions the Taliban must take to facilitate their legitimization. It is clear that there are different viewpoints on this matter. Some believe that the Taliban should focus on opening schools, empowering women, and creating an inclusive government to gain recognition. Others argue that the Taliban’s past actions, such as imposing restrictions and not fulfilling commitments, make it unlikely for them to be recognized. Additionally, some participants express concerns about the Taliban’s treatment of women and the overall situation in Afghanistan. It is essential to consider these various perspectives and engage in constructive dialogue to better understand the complexities surrounding this issue. Let’s continue the discussion with respect and open-mindedness.

I think that until the Taliban make their government formation comprehensive and inclusive, and do not leave the work to the workers, do not remove the educational and work deprivations of women, the world community will not recognize it.

If the Taliban open the gates of schools and universities and modernize school and university lessons, work on the economy of the people and society, the distance between the people and the government will decrease and it will slowly gain the trust of the people.

The international recognition of the Taliban government depends on prioritizing inclusivity, education, and economic development. By establishing an inclusive government, opening schools and universities, modernizing education, and focusing on improving the economy, the trust of the international community can be gradually gained.

The international recognition of the Taliban government depends on prioritizing inclusivity, education, and economic development. By establishing an inclusive government, opening schools and universities, modernizing education, and focusing on improving the economy, the trust of the international community can be gradually gained.

Thank you all for sharing your perspectives on whether the Taliban-led government will eventually gain legitimacy from the international community and what actions the Taliban must take to facilitate their legitimization. It is evident from the discussion that there are various factors and concerns that influence the recognition of the Taliban government.

Some of you mentioned that the Taliban needs to address issues such as giving youth a role in the government, opening girls’ schools, and achieving internal leadership. Others highlighted the importance of the Taliban stopping the imposition of restrictions and outdated laws, and ensuring that they do not pose a threat to the world.

There was also a consensus that the Taliban must gain the trust of the people and bridge the gap between the government and the population. This includes eliminating religious and ethnic prejudices and ensuring that all citizens are included in the government.

Furthermore, it was suggested that the Taliban should guarantee the rights of women, provide education opportunities, and engage with the international community through negotiations.

While some participants expressed skepticism about the Taliban’s prospects of recognition due to their current actions and restrictions, others believed that if the Taliban implements inclusive governance, opens schools, and allows people to have their rights, countries around the world may recognize them.

It is important to note that the recognition of the Taliban-led government will be influenced by various factors, including their adherence to international standards, respect for human rights, stability, and effective control over the territory. The international community will closely monitor the actions and commitments of the Taliban before making any decisions on recognition.

I appreciate all of your contributions to this discussion, highlighting different perspectives and concerns. Please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts and insights.

So what taliban should do for this which people and world community accept them?