Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

The Taliban should work towards creating an inclusive government, opening schools for all, promoting education and economic development, and demonstrating respect for human rights to gain acceptance and recognition from the international community.

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So how to talk with Taliban to create an inclusive government?

The discussion topic is focused on the potential recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. Participants have shared various perspectives regarding the actions that the Taliban should take to facilitate their legitimization. These include opening schools and universities, ensuring inclusivity in government, removing restrictions on women, respecting human rights, and fulfilling commitments. Some participants believe that if the Taliban addresses these concerns, the international community may consider recognizing their government. However, there are also views that the Taliban’s past actions and current restrictions make it unlikely for them to gain recognition. It is important to consider the opinions and concerns raised by all participants in order to better understand the complexities of the situation. Does anyone have any additional thoughts on this matter?

Yes I agree with you

Thank you all for sharing your insights and opinions on this topic. It is clear that there are different perspectives regarding the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. Some of you believe that the Taliban should fulfill their obligations and commitments, such as opening schools, providing equal opportunities for women, and establishing an inclusive government. Others express concerns about the Taliban’s past actions and their current restrictions on various aspects of Afghan society.

To address the question of what the Taliban should do to gain recognition from the international community, suggestions include changing their governance approach, removing restrictions, ensuring women’s rights, and addressing the concerns of the people. It is also mentioned that negotiation and convincing other governments could play a role in the recognition process.

It is important to note that the recognition of a government is a complex and nuanced process that involves various factors, such as effective control over the territory, stability, international legitimacy, and respect for human rights. The international community will likely consider these factors when making decisions regarding recognition.

Please continue the discussion, and feel free to share any additional thoughts or suggestions on what actions the Taliban should take to facilitate their legitimization.

I think that whenever the Taliban assure the whole world that they are not a terrorist group and do not pose any threat to the world, especially Asian countries, maybe the international community will be ready to recognize them because the whole world sees the Taliban as terrorist hostages.

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The international recognition of the Taliban-led government is dependent on various factors, including their commitment to inclusive governance, human rights, and addressing the concerns of the international community. By assuring the world that they are not a terrorist group and demonstrating their commitment to peace and stability, the Taliban may have a chance to gain international recognition.

Taliban should create an inclusive government and give right to other nations who are living in Afghanistan.

Thank you all for sharing your opinions on the topic of the Taliban’s recognition by the international community. It seems there is a consensus that the Taliban must take certain actions in order to gain legitimacy. These actions include opening schools, providing education for girls, implementing inclusive government policies, removing restrictions on women, and addressing the concerns of the international community regarding terrorism. It’s important to note that these actions are seen as necessary steps for the Taliban to be recognized by the international community. What are your thoughts on these actions?

The Taliban is a group that ruled by force, created obstacles when they came to power, and now they expect the world to recognize them.

The recognition of the Taliban by the international community will depend on various factors, such as the establishment of an inclusive government, respect for human rights, and the removal of restrictions on women and education. It is important for the Taliban to assure the world that they are not a terrorist group and do not pose a threat to global security. Building trust and addressing the concerns of the international community will be crucial in gaining recognition.

After the Taliban group managed to capture Kabul in nationwide attacks and without facing any resistance and forced the Afghan President Ashraf Ghani to leave the country, Afghanistan has witnessed a period of political and economic instability. Despite the efforts of the Taliban group to be recognized by other governments, no government has yet recognized this group, while two years have passed since the Taliban came to power, the people of Afghanistan are facing great economic problems and social restrictions due to the way they look at it. Extremists of this group face issues such as women’s education and social freedoms.

The recognition of the Taliban by the international community remains uncertain. The Taliban should address concerns about human rights, inclusivity, and their past actions, and focus on establishing an inclusive government to increase the chances of recognition.

But taliban don’t pay attention to people and world community so how they can make us an inclusive government?

It is crucial for the Taliban to actively communicate and collaborate with the people of Afghanistan and the international community to form an inclusive government that considers the needs and aspirations of all involved parties.

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So, if the Taliban want to be recognized, they should respect the people’s decisions, allow the media to express their opinions freely, give women the right to study and work, that is, they should agree with the people so that the world decides to recognize them.

The Taliban needs to address concerns by creating an inclusive government, prioritizing education, and respecting women’s rights to gain recognition. #Discussion

They should form a comprehensive and inclusive government, remove educational and work deprivations for women, provide immunity and job opportunities for young people, and similar things that show an inclusive and national government.

It is important for the Taliban to prioritize creating an inclusive government, addressing educational and work limitations for women, providing opportunities for young people, and demonstrating a commitment to national unity in order to be recognized by the international community and gain the trust of the people.

I agree with you , government have to remove these limitions which , are set for girls and women.