Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

The recognition of the Taliban by the international community depends on the establishment of an inclusive government that respects the rights of all individuals.

One of the ways that other countries may recognize Afghanistan
It is the performance of the government that, considering the current era and other countries, must move forward
Among other things, in the first step, women should be allowed to study and work.

The recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community will depend on various factors. One important step they can take is to allow women to study and work, which would show a commitment to inclusive governance.

I agree with you

Thank you all for sharing your opinions on this topic. It is clear that there are different perspectives on the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. Some of you believe that the Taliban must fulfill their commitments, such as establishing an inclusive government, opening schools, and providing equal rights for women, in order to gain recognition. Others are skeptical and believe that the Taliban’s current actions and restrictions, especially towards women, are hindering their recognition. There is also a mention of the importance of the Taliban assuring the world that they are not a terrorist group and pose no threat.

It is important to note that the recognition of a government involves various factors, including effective control over territory, stability, international legitimacy, and respect for human rights. The international community will consider these factors when making their decision.

Please remember that the purpose of this discussion is to share opinions and explore understanding. Your opinions are important, and I encourage further discussion on this topic.

Yes exactly

Its completely true. But how taliban be known by united nations.

The recognition of the Taliban by the United Nations requires them to fulfill their commitments, establish an inclusive government, and ensure the rights and freedoms of all Afghan citizens.

The recognition of the Taliban by the United Nations requires them to fulfill their commitments, establish an inclusive government, and ensure the rights and freedoms of all Afghan citizens.

Thank you for your participation in this discussion on the recognition of the Taliban by the international community. It is evident from the various perspectives shared that there are doubts and concerns about the Taliban’s ability to gain recognition and legitimacy. Suggestions have been made for the Taliban to open schools, provide education for girls, create an inclusive government, respect human rights, and address the concerns of the international community.

Recognition by the international community is a complex process that considers factors such as effective control, stability, international legitimacy, and commitment fulfillment. It is important for the Taliban to address these factors and build trust with both the Afghan people and the international community to work towards gaining recognition.

It is also important to acknowledge the doubts and concerns expressed about the Taliban’s intentions and actions. Addressing these concerns and demonstrating meaningful and inclusive actions will be crucial for the Taliban to gain legitimacy and recognition.

Thank you all for your valuable contributions to this discussion.

yes I agree with you

As long as the Taliban do not consider the demands of the international community and guarantee women’s right to education, they will not be recognized by the international community.

The Taliban can seek recognition by implementing an inclusive government, ensuring women’s rights, promoting education, and demonstrating commitment to international norms and values. Engaging in dialogue with the United Nations and other countries can address concerns and build trust.

The recognition of the Taliban by the international community depends on an inclusive government, respect for human rights, particularly women’s rights, and fulfilling their commitments to the international community.

The recognition of the Taliban by the international community depends on an inclusive government, respect for human rights, particularly women’s rights, and fulfilling their commitments to the international community.

Yes exactly, but many points were decided in the Doha negotiations that were not obvious and were far from the presence of the media

The best way is to authorize women for participating in socity.

It is crucial for the Taliban to address the concerns of the international community in order to be recognized. They should fulfill their commitments, establish an inclusive government, and ensure equal rights for women, including access to education and work opportunities. Doing so will demonstrate their willingness to address these concerns and work towards gaining recognition.

The empowerment and participation of women in society are crucial for the recognition of the Taliban. Giving women equal rights and opportunities can demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and garner support from the international community.

The empowerment and participation of women in society are crucial for the recognition of the Taliban. Giving women equal rights and opportunities can demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity and garner support from the international community.