Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

By doing these key issues, the government will succeed

To create an inclusive society, the government needs to remove restrictions on girls and women, promoting gender equality.

The Taliban should address key issues such as creating an inclusive government and respecting the rights and freedoms of its people to have a better chance of gaining recognition from the international community.

since take power by Taliban government has not paid any attention to this issue international recognition, and in order to be recognized it have must international standards and a government with the current form, they are only a group, not a government and if the Taliban continues in this way if they don’t make changes in their decisions and don’t pay attention to the demands of the international community and the Afghan nation, they will not gain legitimacy for international recognition

The international recognition of the Taliban government can be facilitated through meaningful dialogues and negotiations with the international community. Addressing concerns regarding human rights, inclusivity, and adherence to international standards will play a crucial role in gaining legitimacy.

If they open the schools and they give to every human thier rights to will taliban recognize formally? Or are there something to do which taliban become recognaize formally?

Opening schools and respecting human rights are important steps for the Taliban to gain formal recognition. However, there may be other factors that need to be considered as well. Let’s hear other participants’ thoughts on this matter.

Two years have passed since the beginning of Taliban rule and no country has recognized Afghanistan
With the work and limitations that the Taliban is doing more and more every day, I think no country will agree to recognize the Taliban.

The recognition of the Taliban government by the international community is a complex issue, with considerations such as opening schools, giving equal rights to women, forming an inclusive government, and eliminating restrictions. The current actions and restrictions imposed by the Taliban make recognition difficult. Some believe negotiations and fulfilling international obligations could lead to recognition, while others think it’s unlikely. Gaining the trust of the Afghan people and assuring the world they are not a threat are also important factors.

Afghanistan is not only related to the Taliban, but all ethnic groups have the right to defend and choose their country. Currently, the Taliban are using their powers, but the people must unite and change this government.
People create the government, government doesn’t create the people.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and perspectives on the recognition of the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan. It’s clear that there are differing opinions on this matter. Some of you suggest that if the Taliban opens schools, removes restrictions, and promotes inclusivity, they may have a better chance of international recognition. Others express doubt due to the current actions and restrictions imposed by the Taliban. It’s important to consider that recognition involves various factors, including effective control, stability, international legitimacy, and respect for human rights. Let’s continue discussing and exploring different perspectives on this issue.

We all know that the violent behavior of the Taliban towards people and neighboring countries has worried the world and they consider the Taliban a threat, and this has also caused the Taliban to be unrecognized.

To address the concerns of recognition for the Taliban-led government, it is crucial to prioritize an inclusive government, remove restrictions on women, open schools and universities, provide economic opportunities, and address international concerns. The international community will ultimately decide whether to recognize the Taliban as Afghanistan’s government.

The Taliban made commitments in the Doha negotiations, which they have not yet fulfilled.
One of their commitments was to give women rights within the framework of Islam, which has not yet given women rights within the framework of Islam.

The fulfillment of commitments made by the Taliban, such as granting women rights within the framework of Islam, is crucial for their recognition by the international community.

Yes its true, but the Taliban don’t care about this issue and the international only verbally announces it, rather than dealing with the Taliban seriously

The international community expects the Taliban to fulfill their commitments made in the Doha negotiations, particularly regarding women’s rights within the framework of Islam. It is crucial for the Taliban to take this issue seriously instead of just making verbal announcements.

The international community may recognize their government because now the politics in the world have changed and all the forces in central. Asia have failed. They do not want to expand this deal further. It dose not want to come to the competition field as a weak

The recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community is a complex and multifaceted issue. It involves factors such as the Taliban’s commitment to an inclusive and comprehensive government, respect for human rights, establishment of educational institutions, and economic stability. The international community may also consider the Taliban’s adherence to international standards and the fulfillment of their obligations. It is important for the Taliban to engage in meaningful dialogue with the international community and address their concerns in order to facilitate their legitimization.

To recognize the Taliban, the only solution is an inclusive government, otherwise our efforts will be useless. Taliban should give equal right for people.