Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamC

Yes somehow they support but that’s becuase they have their own benefits, otherwise they don’t support taliban.

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This is the main reason why do people are against the government because they are not involved in decision makings there is no democracy no voting and other services.

The reason that up to now no interntional countries didnt recognize the governmet of Taliban beacuse the Tabliban didnt accept the epeech of other conutries.

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Yes I’m with you, they have a selfish mindset against other ethnic groups, and this is why they have been made these decisions without letting others decide about it.

I understand your concern about the Taliban’s exclusionary mindset and their decisions being made without considering the opinions of other ethnic groups. It is important to have inclusive decision-making processes for a government to gain recognition.

I understand your concern about the Taliban’s exclusionary mindset and their decisions being made without considering the opinions of other ethnic groups. It is important to have inclusive decision-making processes for a government to gain recognition.

I understand your concern about the Taliban’s exclusionary mindset and their decisions being made without considering the opinions of other ethnic groups. It is important to have inclusive decision-making processes for a government to gain recognition.

I understand your concern about the Taliban’s exclusionary mindset and their decisions being made without considering the opinions of other ethnic groups. It is important to have inclusive decision-making processes for a government to gain recognition.

Right, there’s benefit for every country who supports the Taliban, and they will continue supporting until their goal is met.

this can be achieved through transparent and inclusive elections or consensus building processes.

International countries wana form Taliban that let girls to go to school but the government didnt accept and its also one of the reason that the world didnt recognize the taliban government

I think international community is not very interested in recognizing the Taliban, they value their issues more than us

I understand your perspective regarding the international community’s interest in recognizing the Taliban. They may prioritize their own concerns over recognizing the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan.

I understand your perspective regarding the international community’s interest in recognizing the Taliban. They may prioritize their own concerns over recognizing the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan.

I understand your perspective regarding the international community’s interest in recognizing the Taliban. They may prioritize their own concerns over recognizing the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan.

I understand your perspective regarding the international community’s interest in recognizing the Taliban. They may prioritize their own concerns over recognizing the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan.

The Afghanistan government must demonstrate its commitment to good governance.

The commitment of the Afghanistan government to good governance is a major concern for the international community.

Since Afghanistan is a religious country and the government abuses the name of religion, it has provoked the reaction of the people and caused the government to not be recognized.

The term governance can be used specifically to describe changes in the nature and role of the state following public-sector reforms of 1980s and 90’s. Typically, these reforms are said to have to led a shift from hierarchy bureaucracy toward a greater use of markets.