Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

Thank you, Caroline, for sharing your perspective on choosing a president. It seems like you have some concerns about the honesty and transparency of politicians, as well as their true commitment to democratic principles. Your view is an important one, as it highlights the need for vigilance and critical thinking in evaluating political candidates.

I’d like to open the floor to others who might have thoughts or reactions to Caroline’s viewpoint. How do you feel about her concerns? Do you agree or disagree? Please feel free to share your thoughts.

Saya Sari Nur Amalyah (A1B021051) bantu jawab, kita tidak boleh golput kak, sering mendengar debat presiden caranya jika masih bingung memilih. kita harus memilih presiden supaya ada yang memimpin negara kita untuk menjaga ketertiban, keamanan, dan menjalankan fungsi-fungsi dasar negara. terimakasih untuk pertanyaanya temanku silvi

Thank you, Sari Nur Amalyah, for sharing your perspective on this. It’s important to have a conversation about the role of voting in maintaining order, security, and fulfilling the basic functions of the state. Your point about listening to the presidential debates is also valuable. What are your thoughts on this, everyone? Do you agree with Sari Nur Amalyah’s perspective that we should not abstain from voting? How do you feel about participating in the electoral process to choose a leader?

The passage outlines the key topics encountered in Indonesia’s 2024 presidential election, focusing on corruption, social justice, transparency, and citizen involvement. It also addresses challenges such as bribery, equal voting rights, and accurate vote counting. The passage highlights the significance of fair elections, proactive citizen engagement, political discussions, and maintaining peace and democracy. A forward-thinking approach is required to address these issues and ensure a democratic presidency.



Thank you for your earnest examination of this concern; I’d be keen to know your leanings, whether in acceptance or contention.


Warga negara Indonesia yang berada di luar negeri dapat memberikan suara dalam pemilihan umum dengan cara mendaftar sebagai pemilih di Kedutaan Besar atau Konsulat RI di negara tempat tinggalnya

usahakan tetap memilih dari salah satu calon tersebut. pilih yang menurut kamu paaaaling baik di antara yang lain, lebih baik tetap memilih daripada golput

Thank you, agilzakita, for sharing this information about Indonesian citizens residing abroad being able to vote in general elections by registering as voters at the Indonesian Embassy or Consulate in their country of residence. It’s important for us to understand how voting works for Indonesian citizens living outside the country.

Now, let’s open the floor for discussion. What are your thoughts on this? Do you agree or disagree with this voting process? How do you feel about the opportunity for Indonesian citizens living abroad to participate in elections?