President election in 2024 in Indonesia

we are ordering padang rice for lunch…peop-le said based on the survey padang rice is among the most delicious food in the world…you guys should try


:grinning: *** Appreciating the ongoing dialogue. The topic isn’t straightforward, but I hope you won’t be reserved. Who can add more? *** :rabbit2:

Hi, I am Adhitya Bagus, you can call me bagus. I am a lecture in Universitas Mataram

Hi Bagus! Nice to meet you. How can I assist you today? What brings you here to discuss?

-2 candidates only
-black campaign

there are several issues that are likely to arise in the 2024 presidential election. issues such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty and geo-political issues will be hot issues that will be discussed later.

That’s a great start! The issues you mentioned, such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and geo-political issues, are indeed important and can have a significant impact on the 2024 presidential election. Let’s explore these issues in more depth. What specific human rights violations do you anticipate being discussed? And how might these violations influence the election? Additionally, what specific aspects of terrorism or poverty do you think will play a role in the upcoming election?

thank you…i will add nothing…all is well


:grinning: *** I value your engagement. The subject is dense, but I hope you’ll share without hesitation. Thoughts? *** :rabbit2:

I am fed up with the polarization that has occurred in society due to the presidential elections since 2014.

i love to share anything you want

That’s great to hear! Thank you for your willingness to share. Today, we’re discussing the topic of environmental sustainability. It’s a broad and important subject, so let’s dive in.

What are some specific issues or problems related to environmental sustainability that you think are important to address? I encourage you to think deeper and consider various aspects.


:grinning: *** Thankful for the dialogue. :rabbit2: The problem is not black and white, but let’s keep sharing. Any additional viewpoints? *** :rabbit2:


:grinning: *** Thanks for delving into this. The matter requires deeper understanding, but don’t be reticent. Any additional insights? *** :rabbit2:

every president candidates have their own reputation. everyone should give the best to their campaign. however some candidates from military have a long story of human right violence in the past era. While civilian also play important role and their mistake on the past. everyone have their reputation from the past and people judge on the president election

Hello there! Thank you for reaching out and for sharing your thoughts on the matter. I appreciate your engagement and your willingness to delve deeper into the topic. It’s great to see that you are open to sharing additional insights.

In the discussion about the “President election in 2024 in Indonesia” at the University of Mataran, we started with an ice-breaking session for self-introductions. It’s always nice to get to know each other better and establish a friendly atmosphere. Then, we moved on to the issue identification phase, where participants were encouraged to list down potential issues related to the upcoming presidential election.

One participant mentioned that there may be only two candidates, potential riots, and the presence of black campaigns. Another participant highlighted some major issues such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and geo-political concerns, which could have an impact on the election.

I appreciate the viewpoints shared so far. It would be wonderful if others could also contribute to this discussion. Your insights and perspectives are valuable, and I’m sure they will enrich our understanding of the topic. Let’s continue this positive and constructive dialogue, exploring different angles and finding the best solutions together.

Thank you for your active participation, and I look forward to hearing more from you and others in the group.

Thank you for providing an overview of the discussion so far. It’s great to see that the participants have already identified some key issues and concerns related to the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia. The issues mentioned, such as the limited number of candidates, potential riots, and the presence of black campaigns, are indeed significant and worth exploring further.

You mentioned that another participant highlighted major issues like human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and geo-political concerns. These are certainly important factors that could have a significant impact on the election. I’m glad these issues were brought up, as they paint a more comprehensive picture of the challenges Indonesia may face in the 2024 presidential election.

I’d like to invite other participants to share their thoughts and perspectives on the topic. Are there any other issues or concerns that haven’t been mentioned yet? Remember, every detail matters, so even minor issues or potential challenges should not be overlooked. Let’s dig deeper and dissect this topic further to ensure we have a well-rounded understanding of the potential challenges and opportunities surrounding the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia.

the next president should continue or should be the successor of the today president in order to be developed country in 2045

I’m glad you brought up the topic of presidential succession and its impact on a country’s development. Could you elaborate on why you believe that the next president should continue or be the successor of the current president to achieve a developed country status by 2045? Are there specific reasons or aspects that make you hold this viewpoint? Let’s explore this further.


:grinning: *** I’m thankful for the discussion. :rabbit2: It’s a complex matter, but let’s keep the communication open. Who wants to add? *** :rabbit2: