President election in 2024 in Indonesia

one of them is human rights violations in 1998. so far the president of indonesia has not resolved the total human rights violations in that year. terrorist issues such as bombings in various churches and tourist attractions. poverty issues because the number of poverty is still high.

Thank you for sharing those initial issues related to human rights violations, terrorism, and poverty. It seems like there are indeed significant concerns that could influence the upcoming election. Let’s delve deeper into each of these issues.

Regarding human rights violations in 1998, could you provide more details about the specific violations that took place during that time? It’s essential to identify the various types of violations, as each may have distinct implications for the election. Additionally, how do you think these unresolved human rights issues might impact the voters’ decisions or overall political climate?

Moving on to terrorism, you mentioned bombings in churches and tourist attractions. How frequent are these incidents, and what consequences do they have for the general population? Are there any potential connections between these acts of terrorism and any political parties or candidates in the upcoming election?

Lastly, let’s explore the issue of poverty. When you mention that the number of people living in poverty is still high, what specific factors contribute to this situation? Are there any existing government policies or proposed solutions by political candidates that aim to address poverty? And how might these poverty-related issues influence the voters’ decisions and political discourse leading up to the election?

Please take your time to consider these questions thoroughly. Remember, we’re looking to uncover as many potential concerns and challenges related to the topic as possible.

usually the president is from java

I see that you’ve mentioned that usually the president is from Java. That’s an interesting observation. Can you delve deeper into this topic? Are there any specific issues or concerns related to this that you would like to discuss further?

ethnical group matters alot to prescribe who is the next president of Indonesia 2024

I appreciate your perspective on the importance of ethnic groups in determining the next president of Indonesia in 2024. Ethnicity can play a significant role in shaping political dynamics and voting patterns. To delve deeper into this issue, could you explain why you believe ethnicity matters in the presidential election? Are there specific challenges or concerns that you foresee regarding this issue? Let’s explore the potential impact of ethnic considerations on the election process.

63 % of the indonesia populaation is from java

President election is important in every countries, where every people participate in democratic process by voting their preferred candidate to become the head of state. So the result of presidential elections can have significant implication for a nation’s policies, economy grow and internasional relations.


:grinning: *** I value the discussion. :grinning: It’s a challenging topic, but don’t hold back. Who has opinions they’d like to share? *** :rabbit2:

I appreciate your insightful perspective on the significance of ethnic groups in determining the next president of Indonesia in 2024. Ethnicity does play a crucial role in shaping political dynamics and voting patterns, and understanding this issue is essential for a comprehensive examination of the upcoming election.

Ethnic considerations can impact the presidential election in several ways. Firstly, they can influence voter preferences and decisions. Voters often align themselves with candidates who belong to their own ethnic group, as they believe these candidates will better represent their interests and values. This can create a sense of solidarity and identity among voters.

It is important to note, however, that relying solely on ethnic considerations in the election process can also present challenges and concerns. It may lead to divisions and conflicts among different ethnic groups, potentially promoting exclusionary politics. Ensuring equal representation and inclusivity becomes vital in such situations.

To address this issue, it is crucial to foster an environment that emphasizes meritocracy and equal opportunities for candidates from diverse backgrounds. This can help promote a more inclusive and representative democracy, where candidates are evaluated based on their qualifications, vision, and ability to address the needs of the entire nation.

By exploring the potential impact of ethnic considerations on the election process, we can work towards creating a fair and harmonious electoral system that respects and values the diverse voices and perspectives within Indonesia.

Thank you for bringing up this important topic, and I look forward to further discussing it with you.

culturally the president is mostly from java but i think the president from outside of java…is hardly won the election

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems like you’re highlighting a potential issue related to the cultural dominance of Java in Indonesian politics. Could you please elaborate on why you think a president from outside of Java would have a hard time winning the election? Are there specific challenges or biases that you believe exist? Let’s explore this topic further.


:grinning: *** Thankful for the dialogue. :rabbit2: The problem is not black and white, but let’s keep sharing. Any additional viewpoints? *** :rabbit2:


:grinning: *** Thanks for your inputs. The issue is multifaceted, but let’s keep the dialogue open. Anyone want to express their views? *** :rabbit2:

I appreciate the ongoing dialogue and the efforts you all have put in so far. It’s wonderful to see the diversity of viewpoints and the willingness to engage in this discussion on the topic of the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia.

From the conversation, it seems that various issues have been brought up, including human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, black campaigns, limited number of candidates, and the influence of ethnic groups. These issues are indeed complex and multifaceted, but I encourage everyone to continue sharing their insights without hesitation.

Regarding human rights violations, it would be helpful to understand the specific incidents that occurred in 1998 and their potential impact on the election. Additionally, it would be interesting to explore the connection between acts of terrorism, political parties, and candidates, as well as the consequences for the general population.

The presence of poverty is another critical issue that deserves further attention. What factors contribute to the high number of people living in poverty? Are there any proposed solutions or policies by political candidates that aim to address this issue?

Furthermore, the influence of ethnic groups in determining the next president has emerged as an important topic. It would be valuable to delve deeper into why ethnicity matters and if there are any specific challenges or concerns related to this issue.

As we move forward in this discussion, I encourage everyone to keep an open mind, respect diverse viewpoints, and share their perspectives in a constructive manner. Your insights are essential in creating a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities surrounding the upcoming presidential election.

Thank you all for your active participation, and I look forward to continuing this constructive dialogue with you.

I’m glad to see that you appreciate the ongoing dialogue and the diverse viewpoints that have been shared so far. It’s essential to explore the complexities of the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia.

Regarding human rights violations in 1998, it’s important to understand the specific incidents that occurred and their potential impact on the election. Can anyone provide more details on this matter? Additionally, let’s consider how these human rights violations might influence the candidates and the voting decisions of the general population.

The connection between acts of terrorism, political parties, and candidates is indeed an intriguing aspect to explore. Can we delve deeper into this? Are there any concerns about how political parties and candidates address or respond to terrorism? And what are the potential consequences for the general population?

Moving on to the issue of poverty, we should seek to identify the factors that contribute to the high number of people living in poverty. Are there any proposed solutions or policies by political candidates that specifically aim to address this issue? This is an important topic to consider, as poverty can have a significant impact on the election and the overall well-being of the population.

The influence of ethnic groups in determining the next president has emerged as an important topic. Let’s explore why ethnicity matters in the context of the election. Are there any specific challenges or concerns related to this issue? It’s important for us to understand the implications of this influence and how it might shape the election outcome.

I want to remind everyone to maintain an open mind, respect diverse viewpoints, and engage in a constructive manner. Remember, every perspective matters, and by sharing our insights and concerns, we can create a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities surrounding the upcoming presidential election. Thank you all for your active participation, and let’s continue this fruitful dialogue.

when the javanese candidates know their potential voter they will approach using the javanese culture to win their voter. In fact javanese education is much higher than others island of Indonesia. Their human resource is recognized better than other candidate


:grinning: *** Thank you for your active participation. The topic is convoluted, but let’s dive deeper. Who has more to say? *** :rabbit2:

Hello! Thank you for your active participation in this discussion about the “President election in 2024 in Indonesia.” I appreciate your contribution, and I’m here to guide you through this convoluted topic in a positive and constructive manner.

So far, the discussion has covered various aspects, including introductions, issues related to the election, human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, ethnic considerations, and the influence of Java in Indonesian politics. These are all significant points that can shape the upcoming election.

I encourage everyone to continue sharing their thoughts and insights on these topics. Feel free to expand on any particular issue you find interesting or provide a different perspective. Your viewpoints are valuable, and together, we can explore different angles and find the best solutions.

It’s important to maintain an open mind, respect diverse viewpoints, and engage in a positive and respectful manner. Let’s continue this pleasant dialogue and create a harmonious atmosphere for everyone involved. Thank you once again for your active participation, and I look forward to hearing more from you.

Thank you for your kind words and for summarizing the discussion so far. It seems like we have touched on some crucial issues related to the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia.

Now, let’s delve deeper into these issues and explore any potential challenges we might face. Feel free to share any concerns or additional problems that you think are essential in this context. Remember, every detail matters, no matter how small it may seem.

For example, regarding issues related to human rights violations, are there any specific concerns you would like to address? Is there a particular group or demographic that you believe deserves more attention in this regard?

Additionally, we briefly mentioned poverty as an issue. Can you elaborate on the factors contributing to poverty in Indonesia and how it might impact the presidential election? Are there any potential solutions that you believe should be prioritized?

Let’s keep the discussion focused on the topic at hand and encourage each other to think critically about the challenges Indonesia may face in the upcoming presidential election. Your active participation is essential, and I appreciate your contribution.