President election in 2024 in Indonesia


:grinning: *** I value your engagement. The subject is dense, but I hope you’ll share without hesitation. Thoughts? *** :rabbit2:

I do believe when generations to come is very familiar with technology, the pattern and character of voter changes , consequently, one day there will be president outside of Java beside Prof Habibie

That’s an interesting perspective! You’re suggesting that as future generations become more familiar with technology, it may influence the pattern and character of voters. And as a result, we might see a president from a region outside of Java, like Professor Habibie. Can you elaborate further on how technology could potentially impact voting patterns and the characteristics of voters? What specific changes do you foresee in relation to this?


:grinning: *** Thankful for the dialogue. :rabbit2: The problem is not black and white, but let’s keep sharing. Any additional viewpoints? *** :rabbit2:

Thank you for your active participation in this discussion about the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia. I appreciate your contributions and insights shared so far. It’s wonderful to see the diverse viewpoints and the open-mindedness of the participants.

From the conversation, we have touched on various important issues such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, black campaigns, ethnic considerations, and the influence of Java in Indonesian politics. These are complex and multifaceted topics that require deeper exploration.

Regarding human rights violations, it would be helpful to understand the specific incidents that occurred in 1998 and their potential impact on the election. Additionally, exploring the connection between acts of terrorism, political parties, and candidates, as well as their consequences for the general population, is crucial.

The presence of poverty is another critical issue that deserves further attention. Identifying the factors contributing to the high number of people living in poverty and examining proposed solutions or policies by political candidates can provide valuable insights.

Furthermore, the influence of ethnic groups in determining the next president has emerged as an important topic. Delving deeper into why ethnicity matters and addressing any specific challenges or concerns related to this issue is essential for a comprehensive understanding.

As we continue this positive and constructive dialogue, I encourage everyone to maintain an open mind, respect diverse viewpoints, and engage in a respectful manner. Your insights and perspectives will contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities surrounding the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia.

Thank you all for your active participation, and let’s keep this conversation going!

so the are some solution for indonesian county Transparency and Accountability, Voter Education, Free and Fair Media, Access to Polling Stations, Security and Peaceful Environment. I thingk It’s important to note that each country may have its own unique electoral system and requirements. Implementing these principles and best practices can help ensure a democratic and credible presidential election process.

I appreciate your input on the solutions for ensuring transparency and accountability in the Indonesian electoral process. It’s great to see that you are aware of the importance of a peaceful and secure environment, access to polling stations, free and fair media, voter education, and accountability.

Now, let’s dig deeper into these solutions. How do you think these principles and best practices can be effectively implemented? Can you provide more specific examples or strategies for each of these areas to ensure their success in the electoral process? Additionally, what challenges do you foresee in implementing these solutions in Indonesia?


:grinning: *** Thank you for bringing this up. :rabbit2: The matter is intricate, yet please feel free to share. Who’d like to voice their perspective? *** :rabbit2:

usually when voters have their own right to vote, the most dominan aspect who influence their decision to vote the president candidates is the family. If you might conquer the family thought such as father who influence the family member. However the development of internet and gadget might give another perspective of the voters because their opinion is no longer dominated by family member but the technology on their hand…that changes the Indonesia future

I appreciate your input on the influence of family members and the impact of technology on voters’ decision-making. It seems that family plays a significant role in shaping voters’ perspectives, but with the rise of the internet and gadgets, we can see a shift in the sources of influence. Could you elaborate more on how technology has changed voters’ opinions and potentially reshaped the future of Indonesia?


:grinning: *** I value the discussion. :grinning: It’s a challenging topic, but don’t hold back. Who has opinions they’d like to share? *** :rabbit2:

Thank you for your question. It’s fascinating to explore how technology has influenced voters’ opinions and potentially reshaped the future of Indonesia. With the rise of the internet and gadgets, individuals now have access to a vast amount of information and diverse perspectives that were not readily available before. This democratization of information has allowed voters to become more informed and critical in their decision-making process.

Technology has also facilitated greater connectivity and communication among people, enabling the exchange of ideas and discussions on various platforms. This has created a space for dialogue and engagement, empowering individuals to share their opinions and contribute to political discourse.

Furthermore, social media platforms have played a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing voters. Candidates now have the opportunity to directly engage with voters, sharing their ideas and proposals through various digital channels. Similarly, voters can voice their concerns, ask questions, and express their support or criticism more easily.

However, it’s important to note that while technology has brought numerous benefits, it also poses certain challenges. The spread of misinformation and the echo chamber effect, where individuals are exposed only to information that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs, are some potential drawbacks.

Overall, technology has undoubtedly changed voters’ opinions and the political landscape in Indonesia. It has expanded access to information, empowered individuals to participate actively, and facilitated more inclusive and democratic decision-making processes. As technology continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how it further shapes politics and the future of Indonesia.

I appreciate your thorough analysis of how technology has influenced Indonesia’s political landscape. It’s clear that there are several positive aspects to how technology has impacted voters’ opinions, such as increased access to information and the ability to engage in political discourse.

However, let’s delve deeper into some potential challenges that technology might pose in this context. You briefly mentioned the spread of misinformation and the echo chamber effect. Can you elaborate on these challenges and maybe identify other issues that could arise due to technology’s influence on voters’ opinions?

HAM 1998 was a demonstration by students to remove President Suharto from office. At this time there was a riot that resulted in about 5 students dying. Since the incident. Until the current president Jokowi, the case has not been resolved, and the case will continue to be raised in every presidential election, where there is a commitment from the presidential candidate to resolve the case.

Terrorist incidents actually do not occur every year, it’s just that because terrorist members in Indonesia are still at large, the terrorist issue will appear in every presidential election.
Post covid-19, the poverty rate in Indonesia is getting higher, and so far the government has made a program, namely providing compensation to each poor person

if we see from the data the number of smartphone is bigger than the indonesian population. The spend their time mostly on social media, facebook and youtube. they will get more information drom sharing news on whatsapp, youtube and others. they spend most time on playing gadget and social media…they will fiill in with the news

I appreciate your observation regarding the extensive use of smartphones and social media platforms in Indonesia. It seems that people spend a large amount of time consuming information on platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and WhatsApp. This raises several interesting points.

Could you elaborate on how the widespread use of smartphones and social media in Indonesia is impacting the way people consume news? Are there any specific concerns or issues related to this? Additionally, how does the reliance on social media platforms for news consumption affect the variety and credibility of the news people receive?


:grinning: *** Grateful for the discussion. The problem has its complexities, but I urge everyone to chip in. Any thoughts on this? *** :rabbit2:


Please submit your thoughts as much as possible. Do not hesitate to do it. Please!
Takayuki Ito.

Thank you for bringing up the impact of smartphones and social media on news consumption in Indonesia. The widespread use of smartphones and social media platforms has indeed transformed the way people access and consume news. With the majority of the population having access to smartphones and spending a significant amount of time on social media, these platforms have become primary sources of news for many individuals.

One concern related to this is the potential for the spread of misinformation. In the age of social media, news can spread rapidly and reach a wide audience, often without proper fact-checking or verification. This can lead to the dissemination of inaccurate or biased information, which may affect the credibility and reliability of the news people receive.

Additionally, relying heavily on social media platforms for news consumption may limit the variety of perspectives and sources one is exposed to. Social media algorithms tend to tailor content to individuals’ preferences, creating echo chambers and reinforcing existing beliefs. This can limit the diversity of news sources and viewpoints, potentially hindering a well-rounded understanding of current events.

To address these concerns, it is important for individuals to be critical consumers of news, cross-check information from multiple sources, and engage in media literacy. Media organizations also play a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and credibility of their news content.

Overall, while smartphones and social media have revolutionized the way news is accessed and shared, it is essential to remain vigilant and discerning when consuming news from these platforms to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the information received.


:grinning: *** Appreciate the conversation. :rabbit2: The topic is nuanced, but I encourage everyone to speak up. Any thoughts? *** :rabbit2: