President election in 2024 in Indonesia


:grinning: *** Thanks for addressing this. :grinning: It’s a complex issue, but don’t hesitate. Who wants to share their insights? *** :rabbit2:

Hello! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and actively participating in this discussion about the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia. I appreciate the diverse viewpoints that have been shared so far, as it creates a well-rounded understanding of the topic.

From the conversation, we have touched on several important issues, such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, black campaigns, limited number of candidates, the influence of ethnic groups, the dominance of Java in Indonesian politics, and the impact of technology on voting patterns. These are complex and multifaceted topics that require further exploration.

For example, human rights violations in 1998 have been mentioned as a significant concern. It would be helpful if we could delve deeper into the specific incidents that took place during that time and their potential implications for the upcoming election. Additionally, how might these unresolved human rights issues impact the voters’ decisions and the overall political climate?

The influence of ethnic groups in determining the next president has also been highlighted. Could we continue exploring why ethnicity matters and any specific challenges or concerns related to this issue? By understanding the implications of ethnic considerations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the election dynamics.

Furthermore, the impact of technology on voting patterns is an interesting area to explore. What other aspects of technology should we consider? Are there any concerns related to cybersecurity, misinformation campaigns, or issues regarding access to digital platforms that could affect the election?

I encourage everyone to continue sharing their insights and perspectives on these and other topics. Your viewpoints are important, and by engaging in constructive dialogue, we can find the best solutions.

Thank you for your active participation, and I look forward to hearing more from you and others in the group.

Thank you, everyone, for your active participation and for bringing up these important issues related to the upcoming presidential election in Indonesia. It’s great to see that we have a wide range of concerns and considerations on the table. Let’s dive deeper into these issues and explore any other potential challenges that may arise.

Regarding the human rights violations in 1998, it’s crucial to examine not only the specific incidents but also the impact they have had on the political climate. How have these unresolved human rights issues shaped public opinion and influenced voters’ decisions? Are there any potential implications for the legitimacy of candidates or the overall electoral process?

Moving on to the influence of ethnic groups, understanding why ethnicity matters in determining the next president is essential. Are there any historical or cultural factors that contribute to this influence? Additionally, what challenges or concerns arise when ethnicity becomes a significant factor in the election process? How can we ensure a fair and inclusive electoral process that takes into account the diversity of Indonesia’s population?

The impact of technology on voting patterns has been mentioned, but let’s explore this further. In addition to concerns around cybersecurity and misinformation campaigns, are there any other aspects of technology that could have consequences for the election? Are there potential issues regarding access to digital platforms, particularly for marginalized communities or those in remote areas?

I want to encourage everyone to bring up even minor issues or concerns you may have. Every detail matters, and by considering all angles of the election, we can ensure a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and potential solutions. Thank you for your continued engagement, and I’m eager to hear more from each of you.


:grinning: *** Thank you for engaging.:grinning: It’s a tricky subject, but everyone’s opinion matters. Who’d like to continue the conversation? *** :rabbit2:


:grinning: *** Grateful for the discussion. The problem has its complexities, but I urge everyone to chip in. Any thoughts on this? *** :rabbit2:

don’t forget the economic principles that apply in all aspects of life. Our practical political system requires us to spend a lot of money. Imagine, just to become a district/city legislator we need a minimum of 1 billion rupiah. Not to mention the costs that must be incurred so that our names can be in the top 5 on the party’s voting card. With the level of income per capita as it is now, it is very unlikely that we need a lot of sponsors to finance it all. Practices like this make us have to find ways to return the funds that have been spent. there is no free lunch, isn’t it?
I think this kind of system should be changed. But where to start? Hahahahaha

I appreciate your perspective. It seems like you’re highlighting the high financial costs associated with running for political office, which can create a financial burden for individuals. This could potentially limit opportunities for those who do not have access to significant financial resources.

To delve deeper into this issue, let’s consider the implications of these high costs. How might it affect the diversity and representation of individuals in political office? Are there specific groups of people who may face more significant challenges in financing their campaigns? And what about the impact on the policies and decisions made by elected officials? Do you think these financial pressures could potentially influence their priorities and decision-making processes?

Hello! It’s great to see that you’ve brought up the issue of practical political system costs and the need for change. I understand your concerns about the high spending required to become a district/city legislator in Indonesia, especially considering the income per capita. It can indeed be challenging to finance such expenses and find ways to recuperate the funds spent.

I completely agree that the current system may need reevaluation to ensure a more accessible and fair political landscape. Changing such a system requires a collective effort and a multi-faceted approach. One possible starting point could be advocating for campaign finance reforms to limit the financial burden on candidates and create a level playing field.

Engaging in open dialogues and building public awareness about the issue is also vital. By openly discussing and highlighting the challenges faced by candidates due to the high costs involved, we can foster a deeper understanding and support for change.

Additionally, collaborating with relevant stakeholders, such as political parties, civil society organizations, and elected officials, can help drive the necessary reforms. It’s important to recognize that change takes time, and a gradual shift towards a more inclusive and sustainable system is key.

Thank you for raising this important concern, and I encourage you to continue the discussion and explore innovative ideas and perspectives on how to initiate change. Together, we can work towards creating a more accessible and transparent political system in Indonesia.

Thank you for your input on the issue of practical political system costs and the need for change. It’s great to see that you have delved into the financial challenges faced by candidates and the importance of campaign finance reforms. It seems like you have covered some important aspects of this issue.

However, I believe there may be more angles and concerns to explore. Let’s dig a bit deeper. In addition to campaign finance reforms, what other potential challenges might arise in creating a more accessible and fair political landscape in Indonesia? Are there any specific obstacles that candidates face apart from the financial burden? It’s important to consider all perspectives and potential issues related to this topic.


:grinning: *** Thanks for the insights. It’s a layered issue, but please be candid. Anyone wish to elaborate further? *** :rabbit2:


:grinning: *** Thank you for bringing this up. :rabbit2: The matter is intricate, yet please feel free to share. Who’d like to voice their perspective? *** :rabbit2:


:grinning: *** Thanks for addressing this. :grinning: It’s a complex issue, but don’t hesitate. Who wants to share their insights? *** :rabbit2:

Welcome to Divergence phase: Let us generate ideas and solutions!

In this topic we discuss about “president election in 2024 in Indonesia” by people in University of Mataran.
The schedule:
12:00-12:30 Ice break (Self Introduction) : please introduce yourself to know well each other!
12:30-13:30 Issue Phase: Please come up with issues to be discussed as much as possible.
# 13:30-14:30 Divergence Phase: Generate as many ideas, proposed solutions, and opinions TO SOLVE the issues as possible.**
14:30-15:30 Convergence Phase: Discuss the merits and demerits of ideas, solutions, and opinions
15:30-16:30 Consensus phase: reach consensus on solutions. In some cases, a vote will be taken.
16:30- Conclusion: Let us share the conclusion generated by our agent.

Provide your ideas, solutions and opinions!!!

The following are issues : . Our current phase is the 3rd one, the Divergence phase. We encourage you to voice your solutions, ideas, and views as much as possible.!! :rabbit2:

go on …just finish prayer and lunch


Thanks for the spotlight on this. The issue has its complexities, but your suggestions and opinions are very much sought after.

thank you rabbit…lets continue

I’m here to support you, so let’s continue our discussion. What topic or issue would you like to explore further?


I’m thankful for your insight. The topic isn’t straightforward, but don’t be reserved. Any thoughts or remedies are welcome.


Thanks for acknowledging the topic. Despite its complexities, any thoughts, ideas, or potential fixes would be greatly beneficial.