Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

first we need our afghan brothers to join and raise their voice but unfortunately they didn’t did anything for their sisters who are not allowed to go to school

it has lots of risk

how will you manage the risk of resist?

Supporting and assisting female afghan students in obtaining a proper and secure education is crucial, not only to protecting their own fundamental rights, but to securing the futures of afghan citizens generations to come.

These are possible solutions for issue
1.Support for alternative Education model
2. Training and developmental session for women whether online or offline
3.creating safe space shich have to be considere more than everything

One of the best solution is long term strategies

Anything in this life has its risk

What strategy? please explain your strategies

Regarding creating safe space we could establish safe space for girls to learn, which is also allowed by Taliban’s where the mentor should be also from female

even if it cost your life.

I agree wtih @SakinaB1A4 , we need a long life strategy.

There are many strategies but I just want to mention some
By the help of long term development strategies we could aim the our culture, economic, state, social,and political factor in long span of time

Just consider about the culture factor how unbelievable that would work if we start from our family and then going on to society but the we have to wait for some time

absolutely, culture is the main element of development, if a society have not good culture, it will not develop and improve.

it is not bad to mention that we have 5000 years old culture.

by having such an old culture then why we are not developed country such othres?

we should work on fundamentals which are family, literacy, economy, internal and external policy and so on.

recommendations for reopening of schools are based on the history, culture, and religion of the Afghan people themselves. They underscore the need to provide education to girls in a way that is appropriate for the Afghan context distinct from other political and social issues and to advocate for an islamic narrative that respects afghan national and religious sensitivities.

Families are not the main issue, because they know the importance of girls education

Taliban have no logic reasons why they ban the schools for girls.