Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

then we will select those locations where have access to internet networks.

[quote=“SakhiAhmadB1A2, post:156, topic:1378, full:true”]
Could you please make a summarize it? please answer these questions for me,
1.What is the rout of Taliban’s decision to close schools and universities for females?
2. What motivate them for this decision?
3. What are people responsibilities to prevent it?
4.Who will support us for standing against government?
5. Which resource we need if we start resist?

The Taliban’s decision is to never open schools

The Taliban’s decision is to never open schools

I am working in an NGO right now and we have some projects to empower the women to learn skills for affording their families.

welcome @ahmadjahidwali.B1A1

Their motive is to be a completely illiterate society so that the Taliban can rule properly


beside of learning vocational skills they also learn literacy during six months of project.

To prevent it, the solution is to persevere and raise your voice against the Taliban

it will have some unreturnable results for all Afghan people

If we had the resource, we could learn them more than online learnings

Online learning is suitable for those how can know English and use computer/tablet.

At first, until all Afghan people unite and raise their voices and complain and protest, no one will support us against the Taliban government. Then it can be said that the United Nations and superpower countries will support

First, the questions you asked will be answered one by one, then I will answer your other questions

I in my point of view it is a gain project to close the door of schools and universities.

OK @ahmadjahidwali.B1A1

Yes, maybe so

Exactly, as I mentioned yesterday afghan women and men should raise their voice together

If we start to resist, we need every resource, especially the media, to bring the voices of all people to the world.
