Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A


Yeah, I am also agree with you

Democracy is not about removing Islamic subjects or donā€™t have it beside other subject of school

I main the freedom of people to choose their way of education not democracy.

I believe Islam is a complet religion.

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If someone force you to study according to thier desir would you accept it?

Exactly, and our beautiful religion has allowed both men and women to educate their self

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there is not any doubt!

They didnā€™t forced anyone to study on their desires they just added more Islamic subjects and this is not a big deal we can study

they forced Shia people.


they also removed some cultural and peomerā€™s picture in Balkh province where I was witness

HI Goodmorning all my dear friends

@SakinaB1A4 , @Jawad , @MuzhdaB1A3 @ahmadjahidwali.B1A1 .
welcome to all of you!

letā€™s have a fantastic discussion today.

today we will talk about online learning and its benefits for Afghan Girls and how to fix the challenges that we will occur in our implementation of that .

let me know about your opinion buddies.

Hi everyone hope you are all well