Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

Hi @SakinaB1A4
Thank you for your willingness.

That is a good idea, besides if we take about implementing of knowledge acquiring through community by leaders and Islamic scholars

would you like to share your idea about it.

how we can take the first step.

First, we have to check the needs assessment among our community which is obviously clear to all of us that women bave extremely enthusiastic for learning and becoming part of the society
The second thing is identification of key topics which are very related to our community on baisi of culture, religious, education, health, vocational skiil and general knowledge

Hello everyone

Hi @MuzhdaB1A3

The second point is
Having collaboration with community leaders
Such as
Identify influential leaders, we have to work with respected community figures such as elders, teacher, and local leaders who can advocate for girl education

The only way to afghan girls for continuing their education is online learning

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The next thing is building trust by consistent relationship with these elders to gain their support and encourage them to develop the program within their communities

I got your idea for the first step
to add to your ideas, we need to make a team for recognizing the women who are enthusiastic for learning.
how we can provide our necessities during the project?

As we know that the Taliban will not open the door of schools for girls soon, thus they should take steps and go for online learning

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I totally agree with you.

We also know that it is difficult for many to continue their studies online

yeah, we absolutely need to be trusted by adults.

But we have no other choice,

But we have to continue learning


As I mentioned before prominent people of society must help afghan girls in this regard

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we have to continue online learning including school’s subjects. And additional subjects like English and computer.