Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

Hello to all members of the group Ahmad Jahid Wali is 24 years old from Kabul The reason for closing schools for the Taliban is that if a woman goes to school and the society becomes literate and women slowly raise their voices against the Taliban, the Taliban will face political and internal crises.

let discuss the first question side by side.

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welcome @ahmadjahidwali.B1A1 .

The reason behind taliban decision to close the door school for girls may be several

The may don’t want to see the power of successful women in the society of afghanistan.

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and key factors for this decision Afghan men are quiet

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As a man what would be your plan for standing against this decision?

In my opinion other countries support the Taliban in the making this decision

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The solution is that first all Afghan men stand by Afghan women because so far no group of men has raised their voice and all those who want to open a school should complain through the virtual pages of the whole world. Listen and support

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@ahmadjahidwali.B1A1 if say any word against them they will kill you then what would you prefer, do you want to stand or quite ?

I agree with @MuzhdaB1A3

If someone raises his voice, he may be killed. If a community and all Afghans, both men and women, raise their voices, there is nothing they can do. Hello, have a good time

I think one of the solution to resolve these issue is other countries should stop supporting Taliban financially until they reopen the door of school to afghan girl.

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@ahmadjahidwali.B1A1. If we were not united how we could stand together?

@MuzhdaB1A3. Yes you say the exact way to stop the Taliban .

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Currently there is no way for girls to continue academic education in afghanistan under the taliban regime except online education.

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Ongoing economic crisis it is nearly impossible for the majority of the population to depend on reliable internet access. but some steps can be taken to reduce obstacles from the paths of girls seeking education.

One path may be for world millionaires to offer internet access to thr country.

In my opinion these are the reasons why Taliban does not let the school’s door be open:

  1. Hajib as an excuse to prevent the education for women.

  2. Their families are learning outside of Afghanistan, for instance, Zabihullah’s daughter is studying in Dubi and such more examples are existed in this part .

  3. Thier mindset is old and they think women should not learn and be educated.

Another option may be to create a mechanism that enable afghan girls pursue certifications through correspondence learning.

Definitely, this could be an effective way to provoke Taliban’s to start school, but we have to consider some issue that we the people will be the victim in such case for the people we face struggle not the Taliban’s.

Huhab is not a convincing reason
Hijab is just excuses for them

If their problem was hijab, then all the girls started going to university and school with full hijab, but they closed the doors of the schools and universities.