Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

That is great
It is not only your responsibility but our also we also love to help by having a online session or providing them the materials

We need to consolidate our ideas into a cohesive conclusion on this topic. Ensuring access to education for Afghan girls is a major challenge due to cultural, economic, and security barriers. Online technology offers a promising solution by providing flexible and accessible learning opportunities. To overcome these obstacles, we should focus on improving internet infrastructure, offering affordable devices, and developing offline resources. Additionally, raising community awareness about the importance of digital education can help address cultural barriers. Effective advocacy by women, combined with international support, is essential for promoting and protecting girls’ rights to education and driving positive change toward gender equality in Afghan society.

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To sum up , it would we better to act in way where atleast the most of the interested students could benefit whether by an online platform or having a school or institutions where they could obtain the material related to their field

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We are also committed to helping by hosting online sessions and providing the necessary materials.

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Besides if we all take the step that could change first or family, kins and society in the context of acquiring knowledge for girl would also help if it doesn’t help us it will help the next and next generation

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To sum up, it would be beneficial to take actions that ensure the maximum number of interested students can benefit from education. This could be achieved either through online platforms or by establishing schools and institutions where they can access materials relevant to their field.

Absolutely. If we all take proactive steps to promote girls’ education within our families, communities, and society, it can lead to meaningful change. Even if the immediate impact is limited, our efforts will benefit future generations, creating a positive ripple effect that advances knowledge and opportunities for girls.

One thing we have to consider extremely important is thag the existing opportunities have to be utilised the most especially by women which is going to center and initially making their ability develop and then helping other or by participating in such online session, and by getting addmission in school that are open for girls and finally going to institute and getting the higher education.

It is a great point that you mentioned

Alos the should have the mindset of helping other individuals who are not able to acquire thier hpoes whatever obstacles they have

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The summary of our three days discussion is:
The taliban closed the door of school for girls and I don’t think they will open soon, therefore the only solution to get out of this problem is online technology or online education
This online education will done with the help of wealthy and prominent people of our country or with help of other countries to made it easier for all afghan girls.

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good summarize

We should not leave the learning even if they open school soon.

This is great point

If they open schools how we can renovate the time that girls lost

good point

I think time is over.
I am so glad to be with you and discussed about this issue which is the biggest issue nowadays in Afghanistan.

We have found some issue that related to women education and its solutions.

Glad to had part in this three days discussion