Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

let’s make a summarization of this online discussion

everybody must outline the issues and its solution.

I disagree with point 2 solution

I would like to know your suggestion.

We have already share our idea regarding the issue

thank you for your opinion

we are frustrated from others then we should create an online platform which has these features .

  1. Consistence teaching

  2. create useful learning materials

  3. cover Integrity

1.Be accountable for every students

Who will take the creation responsibility of this platform

What can you do in this program?
Would you like to share your skills,please.

As my experiences I will be in-charge for logistic and procurement section in this program.

Prominent people of our society should help in this regard
Your point 2 solution

1 Like

may volunteer teacher

I am agree with you as well

I also can be a teacher and teach Math, Physic, Chemistry, Computer and so on subjects

dear Friends, do you receive the message

We should complete our comments till 3:30 pm

yeah sure

is this correct as a summary for our discussion?
what if we add some more comments to this ?

please write your comments

If there is an opportunity for afghan girls for their education, i am ready for any kind of cooperation