Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

And also we should not ignore the population which live rural place for they are facing most of the problem rather to city,also.



Hi Dear fellows

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Good morning

Hope everyone will safe and sound

Hello all

Thank you! @SakinaB1A4

Who will choose the issue for today ?

Hi @MuzhdaB1A3

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Let’s talk about benefits of online education in current situation of girls learning in afghanistan.

In my opinion we might discuss about second question today.

[quote=“Jawad, post:1, topic:1378”]
What key issues or factors supported the Taliban in making this decision?
[/quote] lets discuss about this .

Ok then

If you want, we will discuss it tomorrow.

The factors that support Taliban are the other countries

let me know who are ready to participate in this session?

As it looks we are Just @SakhiAhmadB1A2, @MuzhdaB1A3 , @SakinaB1A4 ?
am I right?