Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

logically, Taliban have overcome the country we won’t do any action that be hide from their eyes

they never let us to take action for opening the schools and universities.

Some private schools, which I think are run by the Taliban, have allowed girls to continue their education, but they have to pay money to continue their studies.

It means that the Taliban take money from the people to continue their education.

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you are right

this demonstrates that we should not learn free!

Exactly, education was free and should be free for all population of afghanistan.

education is being a business since Taliban allows private schools to continue to their activity.

It can be effective for many reasons
First, individual can study where ever they are for its is available everytime.
Second, individual are feel free when studying that ,since they are not obligated to go to specific place but they can easily study at home.

it is the most significant problem of Afghanistan

As I early mentioned, the high cost of internet and the low quality of internet are the main issue while studying online

There are also some other issue we have to consider while girl want to study online not all family are ae to provide their offspring a smart phone I know alot of family that have along of enthusiasm for getting their girls educated but they are not able to purchase them a smart phone or pc


The resolution to the issue is very easy some how it started as well we could educate girl by providing lessons on Radio and TV one of the prominent feature it have is that alot of the people use it everyday

you have mentioned one of the challenges that we occur when we implement online learning.

I found such information as well that they have opened some school for girls but requesting money form students to continue their lessons

I agree we have lots of such families


It is helpful but afghanistan have electricity issues form decades

Even, I have been to one of the districts of Kabul neighbour province where there was no kind of telecommunications connection. If someone want to have access to internet he/she have to hike to peak of mountain and then they would be able to get access.
It is only half an hour far from kabul

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It same in Bamyan too

Ohh this is the big problem for that province