Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Yeah, it’s right this is the family’s responsibility to create a good mindset for your children in order to pursue their education.

This is not just one two or three families problem. This is related to all of us, and we all need to find a good solution for this challenge.

If we couldn’t find a good alternative solution for this problem, it would really have bad circumstances for all of us.

The future of Afghanistan is related to this challenge, Good alternative solution for this problem could be online education, platform or broadcasting different contents for different fields through televisions.

Lack of Infrastructure: In rural or conflict-affected regions, there may be inadequate infrastructure to support reliable internet connections or access to modern technology.

Cultural and Social Barriers: Cultural norms and societal expectations often limit girls’ access to technology and online education, as families may prioritize traditional roles over education.

The cost of devices and internet services can be prohibitive for many families, making it difficult for girls to participate in online learning.

Humanitarian aids from foreign countries could be a really good help for those who don’t have access to internet or PCs.