Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Every human being has goals in life that she tries to achieve such as studing and she will also face problems

Online learning offers numerous benefits, particularly in challenging environments like Afghanistan such us :
Online education can be a safer option for girls and women in areas where attending physical schools might expose them to danger or harassment.

Online learning can reduce costs associated with physical infrastructure, transportation, and materials, making education more affordable and scalable.

It is also a problem if someone has all the facilities to study but her family doesn’t allow her or doesn’t support her or takes away her motivation.

For those who don’t have proper access to the internet perhaps one solution is to follow the curriculum on tv every day.

They waste people lives and make them not reach their goals and dreams.

Online learning can connect students with educators and peers worldwide, fostering cross-cultural exchange and broadening perspectives.

Beside of advantages online learning, have a dis advantages like Students and educators may face technical problems, such as software glitches or connectivity issues, which can disrupt learning.

Overall, with appropriate support and infrastructure, online technology can help bridge educational gaps and provide more opportunities for girls in Afghanistan to continue their learning journey.

Yeah, it’s right they may face some problems while learning but that’s not a big deal.

I believe that for females in order to continue their education there should be humanitarian aids from foreign countries for providing access to Internet or laptops for those in need.

Yeah, it’s right, but we shouldn’t sit and wait for a better future while doing nothing.

There were even those who only had one year left to graduate but they closed the universities.

Every one is upset about the situation where girls don’t have the right to education and schools and universities are closed but they can’t do anything to solve the problem because it is the government decision for now

We all wish that this problem will be solved as soon as possible and that the girls can continue their studies.

If girls are not able to continue their education at this age they will not be able to study like this age even if they can.

There have always such problems in afghanistan even when girls were studing there were suicides and explosions.

If the situation continues like this and education is not allowed may be most people will decide to immigrate as many did

In traditional families they may not provide any facilities for their daughters education and they cannot continue their studies online

All fathers and mothers should support their daughters and help them to continue their education.