Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

One of the reasons why the people of the country immigrate is that they dont want their children to miss out on education.

And for those who cannot continue their education or studying through online platforms, there could be aids to support them to afford Buying smart phones, or to get access into Internet.

If the situation continues like this all the talents, and those who are intelligent minds, they would find a way or somehow try to leave the country for good.

Also scholarship is alot for girls from all countries
They can apply.

If the Taliban did not reconsider their decisions, most of the talents would leave the country, and next year, we barely could find good talent in our country.

As a young generation, I would really want My sisters from all over the country, continue their education and rebuild our society, not to leave the country as they have to.

The Taliban have cited security concerns as a reason for restricting girls’ education, arguing that schools could be targets for attacks and that it is challenging to ensure safe environments for female students

that women’s primary roles should be within the home, focusing on family and household responsibilities rather than pursuing formal education or careers. It means from the shap of cultural

As the Taliban justified themselves by saying that women are meant to stay at home and their responsibility is to take care of the family.

Online lessons have become ajob opportunity for some women in these conditions of afghanistan for example someone teaches online from home and has agood income and others use this lesson.

As the Taliban told, another reason behind not letting women to continue their education from 6 grade onwards is to keeping them safe from the bad environment of universities or schools.

Learning knowledge is an obligation for both women and men, why there should be any difference between them in our country?
Male and female have the same right in education.

In a country we don’t just need male engineers, teachers, doctors…. So do we need female as well
It’s almost impossible to keep going like that

There are a lot of female talents in our country, which would leave the country if they get a chance.
Some may go using scholarships, some using sponsorship…

There are some face to face and online training that we can all learn something really useful by sharing there.

Afghanistan is an Islamic country, when the Taliban took over the government, they changed some rules, which one of them was closing schools and universities for women in Afghanistan, if you ask them why they did this they would say it’s to Keep woman safe from environment.

To overcome current challenge for women to continue their education, I believe that is to study in online education platforms, which are free or there are websites who anyone could learn something, but there’s an issue which we face, there are some parts of the country with people don’t have access to Internet or smart phones, And they cannot afford providing one.

Develop and distribute online educational resources and programs that girls can access from home.