Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Yeah completely it’s a good idea because there are people who don’t have access to Internet or smart phones they could use from TV instead.

I believe that, to overcome the challenge of education for women in Afghanistan, is to provide complete and comprehensive programs and broadcast them through television, because if we try to overcome this challenge through Internet, not everyone have access to Internet in Afghanistan.

Yes, sounds good idea for those who have access to Internet. They could use different online platforms and for those who does not have access to Internet. They could use different learning programs through television.

In a country we don’t just need male engineers, teachers, doctors…. So do we need female as well
It’s almost impossible to keep going like that

There are a lot of female talents in our country, which would leave the country if they get a chance.
Some may go using scholarships, some using sponsorship…

Education is the right of every human being but in afghanistan this right is taken away from girls without any special reason

There are also some institutions that teach some industries and businesses to some extent.

It is good for every person to learn a business and an art in addition to being literate and studying.

For now in addition to learning english there is a good opportunity for someone who has learned english and any other language so that she can succeed in the scholarship and study.

If the situation doesn’t change and the Taliban didn’t let women to continue their education, we would face serious bad circumstances in the future.

If women won’t be able to study and continue their education now, in the future they would become illiterate mothers, illiterate mother would raise an illiterate son, whether it is a boy or a girl.

Currently all the people af afghanistan and abroad are trying to contribute to girls education online and should use these opportunities.

Currently women arenot only denied the right to study but also the right to work which has limited ability to work and have duties

We really have a bad situation, perhaps, in the next 10 or 20 years, we will not have female doctors, female, teachers, or female engineers.

Getting an education may not havebeen important in the old days but in todays society where the world has progressed so much everyone is looking for science and education and it is important for them.

For those who do not have access to the internet there may be some free apps and they can proceed through tv.

The Taliban’s decision to close schools for women is influenced by a combination of ideological, cultural, and political reasons

Actually, there’s an issue which I’m thinking about, which is at the beginning of the Taliban government, They let woman and girls to continue their education in schools and universities, They have set some rules for women to wear hijab and separated classes between males and females.

Everything was OK, and females were fairly continuing their education, but after a few times they have limited education for women.
They closed the doors of universities for all females and at schools they only let them to study up to grade 6th.

Circumstances do not always stay the same and change it is important not to stop trying and not to give up.