Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Young people are considered as the capital of a country and what will happen in the future when young people can not study.

I believe that a good and comprehensive solution could be like the past which they separated classes between male and female, all they could separate male and female in different timing at universities, so they could continue their education.

Parents who are literate definitely influence there children and can play a role in there success and support them.

Several factors contributed to the Talibanā€™s decision to restrict education for girls in Afghanistan:
Culture factor , islamic factor , security concerns, ā€¦

In some parts of Afghanistan, there is a cultural resistance to girlsā€™ education, which the Taliban have used to justify their policies, and all the girls use from this benefit

Online Learning: Expand online education programs to provide girls with access to learning materials and virtual classrooms.

Invest in creating secure environments for girls to attend school, including safe transportation and protected school facilities.

Online education allows girls to learn at their own pace, accommodating different learning speeds and schedules.
Interaction with students and teachers from around the world broadens perspectives and fosters cultural understanding.

Online platforms can connect girls with mentors who provide guidance, advice, and encouragement.

There are a lot of good talents in Afghanistan, which cannot continue their education. Therefore, those countries who could offer scholarships for girls in Afghanistan, because their talents is wasting here.

As I mentioned before one of the ways to overcome this challenge is to continue studying through online platformsAnd for those who cannot afford activating, Internet bundles, or donā€™t have access to smart phones, they could use different programs, which are broadcasting trough television.

As a young generation, I would really want My sisters from all over the country, continue their education and rebuild our society, not to leave the country as they have to.

that womenā€™s primary roles should be within the home, focusing on family and household responsibilities rather than pursuing formal education or careers. It means from the shap of cultural

As the Taliban told, another reason behind not letting women to continue their education from 6 grade onwards is to keeping them safe from the bad environment of universities or schoolsAs the Taliban told, another reason behind not letting women to continue their education from 6 grade onwards is to keeping them safe from the bad environment of universities or schoolsAs the Taliban told, another reason behind not letting women to continue their education from 6 grade onwards is to keeping them safe from the bad environment of universities or schoolsAs the Taliban told, another reason behind not letting women to continue their education from 6 grade onwards is to keeping them safe from the bad environment of universities or schools
One of the reasons why the people of the country immigrate is that they dont want their children to miss out on education.

Online lessons have become ajob opportunity for some women in these conditions of afghanistan for example someone teaches online from home and has agood income and others use this lessonAs the Taliban told, another reason behind not letting women to continue their education from 6 grade onwards is to keeping them safe from the bad environment of universities or schools

As I mentioned before one of the ways to overcome this challenge is to continue studying through online platformsThere are a lot of good talents in Afghanistan, which cannot continue their education. Therefore, those countries who could offer scholarships for girls in Afghanistan, because their talents is wasting here.

Actually, with Islamic appearance, Amin, wearing his job, thereā€™s not any problem with womanā€™s education at all, the Taliban are responsible for creating and providing a better, and Iā€™m Islamic environment for woman to continue their education.

As an alternative solution for womenā€™s education in Afghanistan, I believe that one of the ways could be Online education platforms which are for free and all you need is to have access to Internet and smart phone.

One of the reasons why families and young people imgrate is the same issue of Education so that they can reach their desired job.

It is good opinion.

Online technology can play a crucial role in providing educational opportunities for girls in Afghanistan despite the restrictions imposed by the Taliban.

Online platforms can facilitate mentorship programs, connecting girls with role models and educators who can provide guidance and support.