Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Yeah communication is the best way we can inhance our self confidence any throwly effected them

financial resources may be prioritized for immediate needs over educational technologyInternet services can be expensive, making them unaffordable for many families

financial resources may be prioritized for immediate needs over educational technologyHow can those girls who live in the provinces of afghanistan study online?
As for as i heard the internet does not work in the provinces.

All people should think this problem of girls education because it is very important.

When we study online we can get to know many people from all over the world and our communication will be strong communication is also very important.

Many areas, especially rural regions, lack the necessary infrastructure for reliable internet access.

Online discussions and collaborations can enhance communication and critical thinking skills.

Several factors contributed to the Taliban’s decision to restrict education for girls in Afghanistan:
Culture factor , islamic factor , security concerns, …

Another alternative solution for woman’s education in Afghanistan, could be following tv channels which provide learning materials in different fields for different ages.

When we study online we can get to know many people from all over the world and our communication will be strong communication is also very important.

Young people are considered as the capital of a country and what will happen in the future when young people can not study.

Several factors contributed to the Taliban’s decision to restrict education for girls in Afghanistan:
Culture factor , islamic factor , security concerns, …

Actually, with Islamic appearance, Amin, wearing his job, there’s not any problem with woman’s education at all, the Taliban are responsible for creating and providing a better, and I’m Islamic environment for woman to continue their education.

Internet problem is avery big problem in afghanistan for all people

In the current situation of afghanistan the best way to study for those who missed out on education is online platforms.

If someone doesnt take advantage of these opportunities and doesnt study and doesnt hope she will get depression and this will be a big problem.

In this situation everyone should help and look for a solution for this big problem.

It’s right online platform is a good solution for this challenge, but not everyone have access to Internet.

In some parts of Afghanistan, there is a cultural preference for women to stay at home, and the Taliban’s policies may reflect these traditional views.