Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Yeah, it’s right those who have access to Internet and smartphones, they should start learning in online education platforms.

The problems that exist are the lack of internet in the provinces and some may not have mobile phones at all and donot have access to the internet.

The Taliban’s decision to close schools for women is influenced by several factorsor it mean can be had several reson

Taliban adhere to a strict interpretation of Islamic law, which they believe dictates specific roles and limitations for women, including restricted access to education.

As I mentioned, earlier, one of the main reason why Taliban made this decision is their religious beliefs which is not right, in Islam male and female have the same right for education, but they’re doing the opposite of this.

Education is very important in a country it is a basic base of a country.

It’s wrong but they’re justifying themselves by saying that We are protecting women from environment and they are meant to be at home and their only responsibility is to stay at home and take care of the family.

As a government, it is the responsibility of the Taliban to provide such an environment, which there shouldn’t be any problem for women, or females to continue their education at school or universities.

And also, the Taliban could set rules for universities all the schools for females, like wearing hijab and specific Islamic uniform and different timing for male/female.

As a government, it’s not ethical to run from the facts or ignore them, instead, they have to have logical reasons for their decision or let females to continue their education.

Addressing the issues preventing girls from attending school in Afghanistan under the Taliban requires a multifaceted approach

Provide scholarships and financial incentives for families to send their daughters to school.

We must consider save zone . Establish secure areas where girls can attend school without fear of violence

Expand access to online education platforms, enabling girls to learn from home.

It’s a good idea, but I think that it’s really dangerous and if the Taliban find out it would have bad consequences.

Learning from home is a good idea, especially for those who have access to Internet and smart phones or laptops. They could start learning from online education platforms which are for free and they could do it from their home.

And for those who does not have access to Internet or PC, I believe that there should be a complete dedicated team from different fields, creating Content in different subject, and broadcast them through television.

The Taliban might prioritize allocating limited resources to areas they deem more crucial, like military operations or male education, rather than investing in women’s education.

I see, unfortunately it’s right and they’re not interested in woman’s education.

There are several key issues and factors that likely supported the Taliban in making the decision to take control of Afghanistan. Some of these factors include:

  1. Weakness and corruption of the Afghan government: The Afghan government was widely seen as weak, corrupt, and unable to effectively govern the country. This created an opportunity for the Taliban to exploit the situation and gain control.