Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

While a society needs Islamic issues, it also needs science, technology and other contemporary sciences. For the growth and development of a society, it is necessary that all sciences, whether Islamic or modern, are taught in it. Dealing with only one dimension of life is not a correct thinking and it will cause more problems and backwardness of the society.

Another worrying issue is the spread of religious extremism in schools, because books promoting religious extremism are taught to boys in these schools. For example, in this way, it is taught that girls do not have the right to education, when from the Islamic point of view, such a thing is not true, and the religion of Islam considers learning obligatory for both men and women.

If girls and women are left out of education, the fate of Afghan women and the future of the country will go to an unknown and dangerous path. The United Nations and the people of Afghanistan should not allow such a thing. Each of us must try to find a new way to learn

In basic classification, education factors are divided into two types: formal educational institutions (like schools, high schools, and universities) and informal education factors (including peer groups, families, work groups, leisure groups, religious groups, and media).

But the Taliban administration apparently closes every opening for girlsā€™ education and has taken more serious measures to completely ban education for girls.

Girls are often marginalized in many countries and lack access to face-to-face education. Online education can offer a solution by providing learning opportunities and continuing education. Research indicates that educating girls is a powerful strategy for reducing poverty at the community level.

Great points :pray:

Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesman of the Taliban government, has always said that their government is not against the education of girls, but it is necessary to make the environment favorable.
Here is a question, which field should be favored?

If girls and women are excluded from education, the future of Afghan women and the country itself could face uncertain and perilous outcomes. The United Nations and the people of Afghanistan must work together to prevent this. Itā€™s crucial for all of us to explore new avenues for learning and education.

Zabihullah Mujahid has stated that the Taliban government supports girlsā€™ education but emphasizes the need for a favorable environment. The question then becomes: which specific areas or conditions should be prioritized to create such an environment?

This situation has caused some girls to suffer from mental illnesses. Also, with the banning of girlsā€™ education from schools and universities, the level of family violence and forced marriages has also increased. On the other hand, the rate of suicide and poverty has also increased among women, which news is mostly published by the media. The continuation of this situation will make families more vulnerable and girls will also suffer from various mental illnesses.

The Taliban has ordered all the private educational centers in Kabul city and the provinces of Afghanistan to seriously refrain from educating and allowing girls to enter the educational centers. Also, the Taliban forces control the educational centers permanently and in person for the explicit implementation of this order.

Providin leadership , freelancing programm, webinars for analysis the situation in Afghanistan and aware the women about globle opportunities also increse the women skills.
Providing some negotiations or conversations sessio with Taliban help us know or predict the future for new generation as well as Taliban have strategies to reduce the education and expand thier thought we also dont give up and say about our thoughy to them

These statements are all Talebani stories and riddles.
That is not true at all.
Afghanistan was an Islamic country and all its principles and rules are still Islamic from the years before the Taliban.

Exactly, the society beside Islamic issues, needs another science, technology and other contemporary sciences. All societies must go head with all of them and donā€™t skip or prefer one

At all we can provide two part solutions short term and long term
Short term like online education
Long term like implement a strategy for change the Taliban and Afghanistan people thoughts

Bad economic condition is one of the obvious reasons why Afghan girls have stopped learning online

Many monthes ago i participant a leadership programm it has a very good effect on my approach
Leadershop is one of necessarily skill nowadays every women shoud know about it

Of course, the long and short time plans that you mentioned can be effective and can have positive results.

Banding school and university depressed most girls and they effect by mental health disorder
Counselling center also help women find their way and act good