Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

You’re spot on. While international efforts were lacking in infrastructure development, it’s crucial now to focus on reopening schools and universities for girls and creating opportunities for women to work.

Absolutely. Afghan girls and women should hold onto their hope and keep seeking different avenues to continue their education despite the challenges.

Lets go deeply by the solution
Online technolgy or providing online seassion is the essay and basic solution but its important to know how we increase the advantage and decrease the disadvantage. As we know online has some chlanges like poor internet connection, lack Efficteness and unvalued degree
How can solve this issue

Dear all, our questions have changed, let’s have some discussion regarding online technology and the effects of it on girls education in Afghanistan.

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There are lots of girls who complected four, five, six even seven but they didnt graduated yet cause most university have age requirements so they also can not apply for scholarships and start again

Online technology is the option that can help Afghan women and girls in the education part. In the current situation, girls do not have access to face-to-face education, so, Online education can be an alternative to face-to-face education. Through online education, girls can get job and educational opportunities.

The Taliban must take urgent measures to eliminate internal differences over the issue of girls’ education. and start serious discussions on this matter and inform the people of Afghanistan about it.

Online Technology that tackles the barriers that girls are face in the pursuit of education.

Also there are lots of schools student they didnt graduated from school as well no university can provide them scholarships what should they do what programs is better for them to lanch their skills and continue their education or find job

In a basic classification, education factors can be divided into two types: 1- formal educational institutions (such as schools, high schools, and universities) 2- informal education factors such as: peer groups, families, work groups, leisure groups , religious groups and media

In terms of education, girls are marginalized in most countries and do not have access to face-to-face education. However, online education can help in this matter for learning and continuing education. Evidence shows that educating girls is one of the most effective ways to end poverty at the community level

Online education is currently the only opportunity that also has its own challenges;
When online classes start, sometimes they face serious problems. Most of the time they don’t have electricity at home.
lack of internet,
Inadequate home conditions for learning and dozens of other problems, and I think the only solution is this online course.

I mention some programs that I think they are best options
For bothe school student and colleges student
1- English academic language online class with a online bachelors degree
2- Computer Bachelors online degree
3_ offer English Test like TOFLE
4 mathematics or scientists class

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Really good points.

Unfortunately, for online education, also there are a lot of challenges and barriers for girls in Afghanistan.

Another option is that if lessons are regularly created on sites that are only for school subjects, so that girls can follow their lessons from there and online exams are taken regularly, then it will be very effective.

The economy of the people in Afghanistan is weak and most of the girls do not have access to the Internet.

For college students
1- psychology Bachelors onlin degree
2 business Administration online
3 or any other degree can thought onlin

Thanks for your useful information.

Also its very help full if international organization suport busines women by giving funds on their startups
It help women be effictive and independent