Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1E

Supporting them and give them confidence can them mentally stable and this is so important for them.

dear buddy,
Indeed, Islam values education and knowledge for everyone. The restrictions on girls’ education often reflect political agendas rather than true religious teachings.

I think with the support of international NGO’s or community we can provide them online educational.

Exactly this banned education is just for their own benefits

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I strongly believe that the best way we can support our sisters is by showing them our belief in their potential and encouraging them to remain hopeful and determined despite the challenges.
you are right buddy.

yeah exactly

Of course, girls need support of us

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Even when the taliban said that we want to change the education curriculum everyone was accepting that

It’s our responsibility to create a supportive environment for them to learn and study, even if they can’t go to school.

Making a platform that every single female can reach out and learn from there could be an option.

They are going wrong with the name of islam that’s why nowadays everyone who hear islam they get terrified

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Yeah because everyone is afraid of them

Absolutely, there are many online platforms that can provide valuable educational resources and opportunities for our sisters. Leveraging these platforms can be a highly effective way to support their learning and help them continue their education.

Unfortunately, our people can’t raise thier voices without support of other countries

You’re right; the actions of the Taliban can unfortunately contribute to negative stereotypes about Islam, making it harder for people to understand the true values of the religion. It’s crucial to remember that Islam, at its core, promotes peace, education, and respect for all individuals. By supporting positive educational initiatives and advocating for a more accurate representation of Islam, we can help counter these misconceptions and show the world the true spirit of the faith.

Yeah there are online platforms but some girls doesn’t have access to social networking

It’s unfortunate that many are just sitting back and watching as the Taliban enforces their policies, without speaking out against them. It’s crucial for us to raise our voices and advocate for change, ensuring that the true values of Islam, including the importance of education and respect for all, are upheld.

unfortunately and it’s a big problem that we face it.

In some families girls are not allowed to use phones or maybe because of economical problems they don’t have access to network

Our religion has lots of rules that taliban are not following them