Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1F

Closing girls’ schools reinforces gender inequality. Girls who do not study are less likely to be in decision-making positions and play a smaller role in society. This issue makes women’s voices less heard in the society and their role in the development of the country is ignored.

It’s concerning that due to limited access to modern education, many girls are compelled to seek refuge in Taliban religious schools. This situation highlights the urgent need for expanded educational opportunities that are safe, inclusive, and supportive of girls’ academic and personal development. Efforts should focus on enhancing access to quality secular education to provide girls with viable alternatives and empower them to pursue diverse educational paths that align with their aspirations and rights.

It’s unfortunately true.

unfortunately :broken_heart:

How can a woman who is not literate and does not know the principles of education and home management properly fulfill her responsibility as a mother? The fact is that at least some of the women in our society are so immersed in ignorance, illiteracy and ignorance due to cumbersome traditions that they cannot bear the least responsibility, let alone perform the duties of a mother well. . And try to raise good children.

Closing girls’ schools indeed perpetuates gender inequality in several critical ways:
Education and Empowerment:
Access to Decision-Making Roles: Education equips girls with the knowledge and skills needed to participate in decision-making processes. Without education, girls are deprived of opportunities to become leaders in their communities and contribute meaningfully to society.
Economic Empowerment: Education enables girls to pursue careers and achieve financial independence, reducing their dependence on others and contributing to household and national economies.

Balancing religious education with modern education is important for Muslims (and indeed for individuals of any faith) to navigate the complexities of the contemporary world while remaining grounded in their beliefs. Here are some key religious issues every Muslim should learn, alongside the importance of modern education:

Absolutely! Education is vital for empowering girls and unlocking opportunities. Without it, they face barriers to good jobs and a better quality of life, hindering their ability to achieve their dreams and support their families. Investing in girls’ education is essential for a brighter future for all

Currently, millions of Afghan girls are denied access to education. Girls’ schools are closed in many areas and girls are deprived of their fundamental right to education. This situation not only endangers the individual future of these girls, but also disrupts the social and economic development of the country

Absolutely, education is indeed a gateway to endless opportunities and possibilities, and its denial to girls has significant implications:
Economic Empowerment:
Access to Good Jobs: Education equips girls with the knowledge and skills needed to access a wider range of job opportunities, including higher-paying and more secure employment.
Income Generation: Educated women tend to earn higher incomes, which not only improves their own quality of life but also contributes to economic stability and growth within their families and communities.

The illiteracy and ignorance of women causes the future generations to be affected, ignorant and irresponsible, and unfortunately, the crisis is big. And one of the Arab poets says: The mother is the school, if you prepare it well, good generations will be prepared.

For repressive regimes like the Taliban regime, keeping girls illiterate and ignorant provides the best opportunity to engineer them to their will and inject ideas into their minds that will ensure the establishment of their rule. Taliban are now busy engineering girls for their benefit.

A woman has more influence than a man in the society, because the education of the country’s children is on the shoulders of mothers.

Exactly, just as a man can be an economic leader, a woman also has the ability to be a good economic leader, as the wife of our dear prophet was also a business professional.

The experience of other human societies shows that women are one of the most important sections of society in creating social, cultural, economic and political developments in today’s world. It is difficult for a political regime to be able to ignore the presence of women in the society for a long time and drive them to the post office forever.

Absolutely, the example of Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, the first wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), serves as a powerful testament to the leadership and entrepreneurial abilities of women.

Absolutely, the presence and participation of women are crucial for the comprehensive development of societies across social, cultural, economic, and political dimensions. Here’s why women’s inclusion and empowerment are essential for sustainable progress:

The loss will come to them, but as far as we know, they are not against it, we cannot say that all the Taliban government is wrong and corrupt. Rather, their limited number is against girls’ education.

Exactly, it was too

Definitely, the contributions of women across societies are invaluable in shaping progress in social, cultural, economic, and political realms. Ignoring their presence and potential is not only unjust but also detrimental to the advancement of any society. Embracing and empowering women leads to more inclusive and prosperous communities for everyone.