Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1F

It’s important to approach the situation in Afghanistan, particularly under Taliban rule, with nuance and clarity regarding various perspectives within the government and society. Here are some considerations regarding the complexities involved:

In my opinion, there are many things behind this decision and opposition. And one can say: it is the non-recognition of them by the countries

Absolutely, the contributions of women are indispensable to the advancement and prosperity of societies across all dimensions. Here’s why embracing and empowering women is crucial for building inclusive and thriving communities:

Women’s inclusion and empowerment bring diverse perspectives that foster innovative solutions and address societal needs comprehensively. Their active participation across all dimensions ensures more equitable outcomes and drives sustainable societal progress.

Of course, the government is not completely opposed to girls’ education, if they were, they would not reopen some schools and courses. They need time to make a decision by themselves.

Exactly :100:

Absolutely true equality is also very important point.

Absolutely, the situation where girls are compelled to seek refuge in Taliban religious schools due to limited access to modern education is deeply concerning and underscores several critical points:
Challenges Faced by Girls:
Limited Opportunities: Many girls lack access to quality secular education due to various barriers such as cultural norms, economic constraints, security concerns, and discriminatory practices.

I was sure that this government would give girls the right to education, but I didn’t think it would take so much time.

Women should try in every possible way to increase their awareness and understanding of their surroundings. Now that the Taliban do not allow women to go to formal education, they have to get down to business and look for alternative ways.

The issue of girls’ education under the current government, particularly in Afghanistan, remains a complex and evolving situation. Here are some insights into the challenges and developments surrounding this issue:

Absolutely, in the face of challenges such as restrictions on formal education by the Taliban, women must explore alternative avenues to increase their awareness and understanding of their surroundings.
Self-Education and Informal Learning:
Self-Study: Women can pursue self-study using available resources such as books, online courses, and educational materials. Libraries, if accessible, can also provide valuable learning resources.
Community Learning: Engaging in informal educational activities within communities, such as discussion groups, workshops, and skill-sharing sessions, can provide opportunities for learning and personal growth.

Yes, the society cannot be completed without the presence of women in all sectors, half of the inactive figures of that society will not progress in any way.

Experiencing everything is beneficial for each person and his society. No one said that a woman cannot learn anything from her surroundings. You can even go abroad to study, but we are Muslims and we must act according to Islam. The Taliban only say the same thing.

It’s important to acknowledge that the situation regarding girls’ education in regions governed by the Taliban is complex and evolving. Here are some considerations regarding the government’s stance and actions:

We hope everything will be fixed soon.

They just hide it, they don’t have any other reason and this decision will be because of some chats and I am sure. If foreign countries listen to him, they will also change their decisions.

It is true that the entire current government is not corrupt, except that they are following the path of corrupt people and if these people were in favor of girls’ education, they would have raised their voices in front of their leaders and would not remain silent.

Unfortunately, the restrictions that have arisen due to women’s education in Afghanistan will have very, very serious and unfortunate consequences in the long and short term, and in any case, the biggest impact is Afghanistan’s economic dependence on other countries.

For the education of children, the presence of a literate mother is five times more effective than a literate father, and the lack of literacy of a daughter now brings great crises for tomorrow.