Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1F

Depending on the conditions, any method of education, whether face-to-face or non-face-to-face, is of special importance depending on the conditions, and its effective role cannot be ignored in today’s world.

Absolutely! Education is crucial in all its forms, adapting to different conditions and needs. Face-to-face education allows for direct interaction and personal connection between students and educators, fostering deeper understanding and social skills. On the other hand, non-face-to-face methods, such as online learning, provide flexibility and accessibility, reaching a wider audience and accommodating diverse learning styles.
Especially in today’s interconnected world, where technology enables seamless communication and access to information, both traditional and modern educational approaches play vital roles. They complement each other, offering unique benefits depending on circumstances like geographical location, personal schedules, or specific learning preferences.

The statements highlight two critical aspects of education and its impact on future generations:
Impact of a Literate Mother: Research indeed shows that a mother’s education significantly influences a child’s educational outcomes and overall development. A literate mother tends to be more actively involved in her child’s education, promoting literacy and learning from an early age. This involvement can positively affect the child’s cognitive development, school performance, and future opportunities. The nurturing and supportive role of a mother often extends beyond formal education to include emotional and social development as well.

The situation regarding women’s education in Afghanistan has indeed faced severe setbacks and restrictions, especially following changes in political control and governance. Historically, women’s education in Afghanistan has been a contentious issue, with progress made in recent decades now at risk due to recent events.

Online education costs less than face-to-face education; Because in this type of training, less manpower, facilities and space are used; Therefore, tuition fees are also less.

It’s true that online education often costs less than traditional face-to-face education in several aspects

Well i don’t agree with you in these point because they didn’t do it in past

Right, but face to face education is much more effective and significant. On the other hand online education bring a lot of harms.

While, E-learning offers numerous benefits, such as flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges, such as self-motivation, limited interaction, technical issues, and limited hands-on learning.

Many students report feeling a lack of motivation, feelings of isolation, time management problems, having too many distractions, and encountering technical difficulties as they take their first steps into the world of online college.

The research finds that distance education has had a negative impact on the students’ emotional state and physical health and has led to greater social isolation and lower motivation to study.

Today, access to the Internet has turned the world into a small village. This has made it possible for every person to continue studying online from their home or workplace in the most prestigious universities in the world, and students can choose the time of online classes as they wish and continue their courses with more focus and attention at the right time. give

In online education, information can be widely accessed, and this makes students improve their knowledge in their fields of interest by using online courses at a very low cost or for free.

It can be said that both online training and face-to-face training each have a special place in today’s world, and depending on the conditions and needs, these two types of training can be discussed. But the lack of face-to-face education for girls has made online education special.

With the reopening of girls’ schools, hope for a better future comes alive. By getting education, Afghan girls can achieve their dreams and build a better life for themselves and their families. Education gives them self-confidence and enables them to play an effective role in society.

The education of girls is not only for their benefit, but also for the benefit of the whole society. Girls who study can be present in the labor market as a skilled labor force and contribute to the economic development of the country. They can build the future of the country as teachers, doctors, engineers and entrepreneurs.

Nice point

Well, yeah especially in Afghanistan.
Its their only hope right now.

Education enables girls to participate in social and political decision-making. As leaders, representatives and social activists, they can bring women’s voices to the world and play an important role in the development and progress of the country.

Online education in this field has made it convenient for girls to attend the best universities, but online in any part of the world, especially in the current situation of Afghanistan, is very helpful in transferring education.