Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1F

I wholeheartedly agree! Online education provides a beacon of hope for Afghan girls facing limitations in accessing traditional schools. It’s a powerful tool for creating a more equitable and accessible learning environment.

Here’s an example of how online education can benefit Afghan girls:

• A young girl living in a rural area, where there’s no nearby school, can access online courses and learn from qualified teachers, regardless of her location. This opens up a world of opportunities for her to pursue her education and dreams, regardless of her geographical constraints.

Yes, but Which strategy and considerations?

In the current situation where opportunities are completely destroyed, yes, online education is the way to climb.

You highlighted the point which i think is completely true because using the digital devices can have disadvantages as well. Such us our health. When we use mobile or laptops they can harm our eyes and mental health,“Which isn’t a good thing.”

In online education, students can freely choose the time of online classes and continue their lessons with more focus and attention at the right time, and it has an effective role.

Yas, Without technology, life has become impossible in this world, because all the information and knowledge of mankind has been proven by the advancement of technology.

Transferring education from face-to-face to digital and non-digital distance education in homes is a new, sudden and difficult experience.

After the Taliban came to power and the closure of schools and universities, another crisis that arose for the society was the depression of migration and women staying at home, which had a completely negative effect and will be a problem in the future.

Many female students who have been banned by the Taliban government from continuing their education and are now studying online are worried that they will not be given a valid academic certificate after their studies.

Absolutely, online education can play a crucial role in providing opportunities for girls and women in Afghanistan, especially in the context of restricted access to traditional schooling. Here are some key points about how online education can serve as a pathway for empowerment: - Remote Learning: Online education allows students to learn from home, which is particularly important in areas where physical schools are closed or unsafe.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Online courses can often be taken at flexible times, accommodating the various responsibilities that students may have at home - Variety of Courses: Online platforms offer a wide range of subjects and skills, from basic literacy and numeracy to advanced topics in science, technology, and the arts.
  • Access to Global Knowledge: Students can access educational materials from around the world, broadening their perspectives and knowledge base.

Denial of women’s work and girls’ education is a historical and unforgivable betrayal.

  • The validity of academic certificates often depends on whether the institution offering the online courses is accredited. Students should seek programs that are recognized by reputable educational authorities or organizations.
  • International Institutions: Some international universities and organizations offer online programs that may provide recognized credentials. Engaging with these institutions can enhance the legitimacy of the qualifications obtained.

Work, education and education are fundamental rights of all citizens; Depriving this right is unfortunate and ultimately sad.

The ruling group shows its black face to the suffering people of Afghanistan and the world with such unwise, inhumane and Islamic practices.

Away from any political position, as a citizen, I expect and demand that the brave and suffering women of Afghanistan are allowed to work and the gates of schools and universities are opened for our brave and suffering sisters.

I am also asking the honorable people of my dear land to spare no efforts to provide education and education to our suffering sisters

After the Taliban government banned schools and universities some girls continue their lesson online that online lesson help them to improve their skills and knowledge.

Yes I do agree that online classes is so effective for girls and they can improve their knowledge

The government should think about opening the schools and universities Because they can continue their knowledge and make the future

If the Taliban want to world recognize them they should let girls and women to continue their lesson and work in every organization