Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1F

Shortly after taking control in Afghanistan, the Taliban implemented a series of rights-violating policies that severely affected women’s access to education and employment. One of their first measures was to close girls’ schools above the sixth grade. In December 2022, the Taliban issued two more decrees that banned women from attending universities and working in non-governmental organizations. In addition, in January 2023, the Taliban banned women from participating in university entrance exams by publishing another decree, which is a disaster.

The ban on girls’ education will face Afghanistan with a shortage of staff and will have devastating and irreparable educational, social and economic consequences.

Yes, the accuracy of the universities that give international degrees is great, but prestigious universities have more chances to attend distinguished students, which makes most of the students who have less technological information and do not know international languages ​​have less chance.

Deprivation of women from education and training has caused serious damage to the psyche of female students.

Depriving girls above sixth grade of education has disastrous long-term consequences. Those families who have economic power immigrate to foreign countries so that their children can continue their studies in a suitable environment. This issue causes the middle class, which constitutes a small part of the society, to leave Afghanistan. The diminution of the presence of the middle class in a society paves the way for the Taliban to engineer the country at will and not face a serious challenge. From the point of view of sociology, the dynamics of any society depends on the presence of the urban middle class in that society. Perhaps this is the reason why the Taliban are incompatible with the middle class and try to change their lifestyle by creating terror.

Yah i agrees with you.

Limiting girls’ education reinforces gender inequality and perpetuates traditional gender roles. It restricts their opportunities for personal development, independence, and social mobility. This can lead to a less inclusive and more divided society.

Economic Impact: Education is a fundamental driver of economic growth and poverty reduction. By excluding girls from education, Afghanistan risks losing out on their potential contributions to the economy. This can result in lower household incomes, higher poverty rates, and overall economic stagnation.

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deprivation of women from education and training has caused serious damage to the psyche of female students.

Allowing girls and women to continue their education and participate in the workforce is indeed crucial if the Taliban seeks international recognition and legitimacy. Here are several reasons why this is important:

Human Rights and Equality: Education and employment are fundamental human rights. Denying these rights based on gender is a violation of international human rights standards. Allowing girls and women to pursue education and work demonstrates a commitment to human rights and gender equality.

The number of girls who are not willing to study in religious schools in Taliban territory are struggling with depression and poverty, and many of them end up in unwanted and early marriages. In the poor and backward society, since girls do not have the opportunity to work and earn money, they are considered a burden on the family, and family heads prefer to marry them to people who can provide them with a piece of bread.

One solution is pressure of world to taliban to obligate them change thier decision

Life in transit and passer-by
We should not prevent our women and girls from acquiring Sharia sciences!

There is no such thing in our religion. No one should justify such a ban by relying on Islam. Islam is against such work.

Yes i agree with you.

Depriving women and girls of education and training has severe and multifaceted impacts on their psyche and overall well-being. Here are some of the key ways in which this deprivation can harm female students:
Loss of Opportunity and Potential: Education is not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s also about empowerment and personal development. When women and girls are denied education, they lose opportunities to develop skills, pursue their interests, and reach their full potential. This can lead to feelings of frustration, helplessness, and a sense of unfulfilled potential.
Psychological and Emotional Distress: Being excluded from education can cause psychological distress such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It can create feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy, especially when they see their male counterparts progressing academically and professionally.

Because of the ban on girls’ education in schools and universities, more girls enroll in religious schools. Unlike schools and universities, there are no obstacles for girls to attend religious schools.

After August 15, 2021, equal to 24 Asad, 1400 girls above the sixth grade in Afghanistan have been deprived of the right to education. The continuation of this process gradually creates the belief that August 15 will be remembered as a black day in the history of Afghanistan, although the future policy of the Taliban plays a key role in creating or not creating this belief.

In a situation where the people of Afghanistan are dying of hunger, the Taliban’s priority is to impose more restrictions on women’s rights in Afghanistan, which shows the gender discrimination of the Taliban.

The Taliban showed that their words and actions are never the same. They had said that the universities were temporarily closed to girls, but they did not do it and led the fate of the country astray.

If the Taliban say that we are muslim they should allow girls to learn the knowledge because in islam allow the girls t learn knowledge

I do agree the government should allow girls to learn knowledge because knowledge is the law of every girls and boys

If the Taliban say that we are muslim they should let girls to continue the lesson in islam emphasize the girls learn knowledge