Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

Yes, we can share these topics in our family, or we can share the training we see with our family and friends.

Yes, because in Doha they also agreed to open girls’ schools, but there is no guarantee for the Taliban

would say that For girls without internet access, local community organizations and NGOs could help by spreading information about scholarships and assisting with applications. Setting up in-person support centers in safe areas could also be a way to reach them effectively.

Now inside of Afghanistan how the girls can raise their voice? To continue their higher education

Good idea


Undoubtedly, the wish of us and all the women of Afghanistan is to open the gates of schools and universities for girls and for women to work. The government should provide education conditions for girls; Because education is the right of every human being and the continuation of these deprivations will expose the society to more misery and problems.

Online education is not available to all students due to the weak internet in Afghanistan, but the learning of foreign languages ​​and the arts of painting and drawing have attracted a large number of girls.

When Afghan men stand with girls , I think

Also, cultural norms that favor conservative gender roles, security concerns about potential attacks on schools, and insufficient international pressure have all supported the Taliban’s decision to close schools for women.

he Taliban’s decision to close schools for women is driven by their strict interpretation of Islamic law, which emphasizes traditional gender roles, and their desire to maintain social control and political stability within their support base.

Online education allows girls to learn remotely, access a wealth of educational resources, connect with other learners, and do so safely.

yes Correct answer

The Taliban has faced significant challenges in governance and resource allocation since taking control of Afghanistan. Focusing on boys’ education may be seen as a more immediate priority in a context of limited resources, further marginalizing girls’ educational opportunities.

Yes you say right

Now inside of Afghanistan how the girls can raise their voice? To continue their higher education

One solution is providing of online scholorships it means foreighn countries give us opportunity of online studying in thier universities

AmiriB1G3 answer this question

Great point you mentioned

I want to said its responsibility of all men and women that help afghan girls and rescue them from this crisis satiuation caus its order of allah that learning of knowledge is obligation of men and women