Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

Yes, its can be,
Converse with Taliban is good way to know what is or what are their excuse about schools and education of girls

Conservative interpretation of IslamThe Taliban acts on the basis of strict interpretation of Islamic law, which, in their opinion, educate women with Islamic principles are in conflict.

Yes , they even do not tell their reason

In my idea, the main reason that Taliban closed the doors of schools is that they think women are useless in a society but in fact women are the half of a society.

Yes you say right

The best solution for this issue is opening schools doors again and let the girls to continue thier education.

Ensuring girls in Afghanistan can go to school is a major challenge due to cultural norms, poverty, and safety issues. Education empowers girls, leading to better job opportunities, health, and community involvement. Recent political changes have made it harder, but ongoing efforts by local groups and international organizations aim to overcome these barriers. By supporting girls’ education, we can drive positive change and gender equality in Afghan society.

Yes it is solution to open school but Taliban didn’t do

Mate look its just my opinion , according that Taliban are sensitive about hijab

Of curse , you right, when a women educate its mean a society being modern

My solution is collaboration with community leaders
Such as
Identify influential leaders, we have to work with respected community figures such as elders, teacher, and local leaders who can advocate for girl education

First, we have to check the needs assessment among our community which is obviously clear to all of us that women bave extremely enthusiastic for learning and becoming part of the society
The second thing is identification of key topics which are very related to our community on baisi of culture, religious, education, health, vocational skiil and general knowledge

The second point is
Having collaboration with community leaders
Such as Identify influential leaders, we have to work with respected community figures such as elders, teacher, and local leaders who can advocate for girl education

Fear of social changes The Taliban are worried that women’s education will make social changes that contradict their ideology and their traditional views.

The next thing is building trust by consistent relationship with these elders to gain their support and encourage them to develop the program within their communities

Thats can be good way,
We need their support

of course

Exactly , They think that if women step into society and get educated, their masculinity will be threatened or even destroyed.

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We need to awareness Taliban about the important of girls education .

education up to the secondary level is compulsory in many countries.